chapter 22

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Melissa P.O.V

I woke up without Elvis, which made me tear up  even more that last night. having someone by you're side for  so long than waking up to no one is different. it's not the same.

"morning baby "Mom greeted me with her arms wrapped around me after i walked down the stairs. feeling a bit more better in her arms. 

"morning..."A few tears dropped down my face.

"come sit next to me"Mom helped me towards the couch. "I, called Vernon yesterday. he told me everything that happen with you and Elvis."Mom sighed.

"What, why!"I snapped, propping up.

"Because honey, I care for you ." She pulled me back down, pulling me into  her arms again.

I didn't know what to say, she could have at least asked me and i would have told her. 

"Maybe, marriage isn't the best for you and Elvis right now. "Mom  said.

"I love him, I can't let him go so fast."I replied, standing up yet again. i didn't like what I was hearing.

"Then why...... did you cheat?"she hesitated to ask me.

"I -I don't know I was just depressed and Elvis was never around me and I knew he was cheating on me but he didn't want to admit it"choking up a bit as i spoke.

"Lissa, i  think it's time you move back home until you decide. "Mom replied, rubbing circles in my back.

"decide what?"I asked

"who you love the most."she smiled a little.

"Mom, I Love Elvis cheating on him was a stupid idea and I should have never done that "I said hurriedly

"I know you love him, but you have to let him believe you. "she replied.

"he won't want to see me "I cried.

"he will if he loves you "she wiped my tears, she cupped my cheeks giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"I don't think he dose anymore "I sobbed, clinging onto her.

"baby listen I know you more than anyone and Elvis as well and if he really loves you then you will work it out"Mom informed me.

I ran up stairs to get dressed, i needed to make sure i looked my best. hopefully he will talk to me or at lease let me see him. i was too nervous to drive back to Graceland so i got a cab there. I let out a shaky breath as the car pulled up to the shinny musical notes Elvis recently installed.
Vernon helped me out of the car, helping me ather my things.

"I though I could see Elvis? "I asked, as Vern held the front door open for me. I missed coming back here seeing the chandelier everytime i walk through the house. Vern dropped my bags off  near the stairs and led me outback to where I Heard Elvis's beautiful laugh.

The moment I walked outside the laughing simmered down, Elvis looked up at me and  I thought I was gonna exploded.

"Mafia out"He told them, his eye's never left mine. they were as cold as ice. They followed there order and walked in the house

"Elvis, we need to talk"I sighed, rubbing my sweety hands on the side of my dress.

Elvis nodded towards the empty sat next to him, I kept my eyes down as I walked towards the seat. I felt his eyes on me the entire time.

"the only reason I had slept with Red was because you were never around I was so worried about you messing around with other women and I read the papers Elvis "I breathed hurriedly

"Just because I wasn't home, don't make it right for you to mess around with my best friend"Elvis finally looked me in the eyes.

"I know, I know...."I replied, shaking my head trying to prevent myself from crying.

"Do you still love him?"Elvis mumbled, looking into my eyes. I froze, maybe messing around with him made me realize that i did love him.

"Melissa? " Elvis snapped me out of my daydream.

"I did have feelings for him but I never loved him. "I replied, not wanting to look into his eyes. "What's gonna happen now?"

Elvis walked up to me, cupping my cheeks and kissed me with such passion.

"I love you Melissa and I always have"He said, Elvis rubbed my cheek then kissing my forehead.

"You do?" I smiled, he pulled me onto his lap. kissing my temple.

"Yes, no matter how mad I am at you I'll always love you." He whispered.

"who's gonna been your best man?"I asked Elvis, I knew it wasn't going to be Red after what he did.

"I don't know Red was, but I don't think I can trust him"Elvis replied, rubbing my neck gently.

I placed my head on Elvis's shoulder, sighing with happiness.

"I'm sorry I made you Lose Red as a friend." I kissed his lips gently.

"I'm not, I'd rather lose him than you." Elvis whispered against my lips.

Elvis P.O.V

Melissa made me mad, but I was more mad at Red and I didn't wanna lose Melissa over Red. But now she's back and I'm not gonna lose her again. 

We all needed a vacation especialy after today and what happen. So I packed me and Melissa up, the rest of the guys made there way to the tour bus.

"Lissa, baby. It's time to wake up." I gently shook her.

"Mmm, 5 more minutes."She groaned

I whispered something sweet in her hear making her smile,I helped her up grabbing her bags.

"You don't have to treat me like a princess." She smirked, slapping my chest playfully grabbing her bags from me.

I stopped her wrist, And kissing her deeply.

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