chapter 57

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Melissa POV

we came back from Vegas and me and Elvis had a little wedding with just close friends and family it was different from our first wedding but still romantic. Also me and Elvis been trying for another baby but nothing seemed to work so Elvis took me to the doctors to see what's wrong

"Elvis you can stay in the car you don't have to come inside with me"I tell him as we get out of the car

"No I want to come with you remember through sickness and in health "Elvis said taking my hand I smiled

"Appointment for Mrs Presley "Elvis said

"Yes right this way"a nurse said we followed her into this big room

"a doctor will be with you in just a moment "she said

"Elvis I'm nervous"I told him he kisses me gently

"Everything will be okay baby"he said in a calm yet soothing voice

"Mrs Presley hi I'm doctor Jones"doctor told me

"Hello "I said shyly

"We have your results "she tells me I start to feel nervous

"Were have some bad news"she starts off I feel my eyes getting watery

"It looks like you can't have more children "she says a tear falls down my face

"Are you positive? "Elvis asked her she nodded her head yes

"I'm afraid so I'm so sorry"she says I'm to speechless

"Thank you for all your help "Elvis said for me She walks out leaving me and Elvis it was silence

"Baby are you alright?  "he asked me I shook my head no and he grabbed me into a hug I cried against his chest

"I know I know "he said rubbing my back

"I can't believe it"I mumbled while sobbing

"Honey it's gonna be okay"he said I hugged him tighter

"It will?"I asked him he lifted my head so I can see his eyes

"I promise baby"he said and kissed me

We drove home and it was silence Elvis just held my hand the whole way

"I'll be up stairs"I mumbled walking up the stairs


Elvis POV

I knew Melissa was upset about this I was to

"Daddy! "summer said

"How's my little girl"I said

"Good Grandma was playing with me"she said happily

"Well that's a surprise "I said just then Delta came

"Heard you were playing with summer "I smirked

"Yea well she was bothering me about it"Delta said making me laugh

"you know you enjoyed  it"I chuckled

"how'd it go at the doctors? "she asked me I froze

"Elvis?"I heard her say

"w-well we can't have anymore children "I said with a shaky voice

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that how's Melissa taking it?"she asked me

"Not well she getting depressed"I said

"Maybe I should talk to her you know women to women "she suggested

"Okay if you don't mind"I said she hugged me and walked upstairs

Melissa POV

I was in bed when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in"I said I was expecting it time be Elvis but it was Delta.

"Hey honey "she said sitting on the edge of the bed

"You came to talk to me?"I asked her she nodded her head

"Tell me what happened sweetheart"she said I sat straight up

"We can't have anymore children "I cried She leaned over and hugged me tightly

"Honey I know how it feels "she said

"Really? "I asked she nodded yes

"After I gave birth to Gladys I tried to have children but I couldn't its hard real hard at first but you get through it"she said almost crying which was weird because I've never seen her cry

"Thank you Delta "I said

"Anytime sweetie "she smiled I smiled back

" I hope it helped some"she asked me

"It did a lot"I said she patted my leg gently as she got up

"You gonna come down stairs?"she said

"Yea I'll be down there In a minuet"I said she smiled and shut the door

I got up and dumped all my pills down the toilet I knew that mama wouldn't want me taking them I took a look at the mirror and smiled pulling my hair up then made the bed and headed down stairs

"Hey"I said to Elvis he was coloring with summer he smiled

"Here baby "he said I bent down and kissed him

"You okay? "he asked me

"I am now "I said bravely He got up and hugged me he smelt like Cologne I buried my face deep into his chest

"you smell nice"I whispered

"why thank you"he chuckled he kissed my head

"Mommy "summer said I picked her up

"My little girl  I love you so much "I said I pinched her cheek

"Mama"she wined I smiled

"Sorry "I laughed Elvis wrapped his arms around us

"My two girls"Elvis said I smiled

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