chapter 8

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Melissa P.O.V

I woke up feeling amazing but guilty that me and Red slept in the same bed, I knew Elvis would be livied but He's cheated on me mutiple times .

The Sun shown through the guess bedroom, leavin my eyes strained. I yawned, stretching up to open them.

"Good morning. " Red mumbled from behind me, His Red hair was all over.

"Morning." I smiled , I'd bent down and have him a quick kiss. "What would you like to do today?"

"I think I have an idea." Red wiggled how eyebrows together, He pulled me on top of him.

I grabbed the back of his neck, smashing my lips with his. He rolled us over leaving me underneath him.

I moaned as he kissed my neck, his hand traveling down towards my stomach.

"Red... Wait." I moaned, his eyes meet mine and they showned with love.

"What's there to wait?" He breathed.

"Elvis, w-w-What if he finds out." I stuttered.

"He wont, I'll make sure of it. " He kissed me slowly letting me wrap my legs around his waist.

"Red.." I moaned into his chest, Him sliding in and out of me left me breathless.

"Melissa." He grunted back, my eyes rolled back into my head letting my head fall onto the pillow.

I gripped the sheets underneath me, As me held my hands above my head. I moaned loudy but he claimed my lips afraid that I would be too loud.

~           ~               ~            ~

I laid my head on his chest, while he stroked my hair.

"That was...." I couldn't find the right word to explain how amazing that was.

"Perfect." He smiled.

"It was"I kissed his lips softly, which was quiet unusal for us.


"I'll get it "I told red, Leaning over revealing my bare back.

"Hey Baby"I heard Elvis say into the reciver.

red kissed my shoulder blade up too my neck, It was hard to concertait on what I was gonna say next.

"Hey babe I miss your voice"I replied, Shrugging Red off my shoulder. I heard him Chuckle.

"yours to I thought you could come up here next week I wanna see you, I miss you already"I could picture Elvis's smile.

"Yeah sounds Good" I said back, Red twirled my hair. I leanded back on him.

"well baby I gotta go call you in the morning "Elvis sighed.

"alright, Bye baby." I hung up the phond, facing Red.

"That was mean! You keept teasing me." I slapped his chest playfully but he caught my wrist.

"And what are you gonna do 'bout it.?" He smirked.

I stratteld his waist, placing my hands on his chest.

"Wouldn't you like to find out." I replied,Red pushed me down on top of him pressing his lips onto mine.

"Man, I can't get enough of you." He smirked, his hands traveled down my neck and lingered on my lower back.

I smiled back, But my smile soon left when I thought of Elvis. I'm not this type of girl to be doing This.

"Hey, whats wrong?!" Red cupped my Cheeks letting my face meet his.

"I-I just feel guilty...." I cried.

Red hung onto me, I landed in his chest and cried.

"Shhhhh." He hummed , it was a nice moment for us. But in that moment I knew This wouldn't last.

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