chapter 20

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Melissa P.O.V

the next day it was my bridal shower which I was kinda excited for, but I have No idea were I'm going Rose planned this whole thing since she's my maid of honor, which i was glad because i was too busy with the whole situation with Red.

"Elvis, I'm gonna be late!"I giggled between kisses

"What we can't have a little fun before you go?"he chuckled.

"Elvis "I wined

"Okay, Okay "he smiled,as he got up from me. "Do you, have an idea of were your going?"he asked me as he got dressed.

"No do you"I smiled, as I watched him get dressed.

"No"we both chuckled.

I got dressed in a red cocktail and a black belt and curled my hair then did my makeup and it was time to go, i was a little nervous since i didn't know where i was going but i know i will have fun. Rose always knew how to plan a party.

"You look amazing! "Elvis said as I walked down the stairs the rest of the Mafia just stared at me, I blushed and turned my head from them.

"Thank you Elvis "I said , he grabbed my hand and spined me around and I landed in his chest.

the door swung open and Rose came through with a bunch of some of my old highschool friends.

"Rose, you brought all my old Friends back." I giggled pulling her close to me for a tight hug.

"Of course I did, I knew you'd want them here. " she pulled back and gasped as i heard Red's voice.

"You look dashing this fine evening." Red tumbled down the stairs, Joe caught him last minute. which i hoped he didn't.

"thank you Red, are  you ready Lissa?" Rose asked annoyingly pulling my arm out towards the door.

"Wait!" Elvis pulled me back giving me a swift kiss. "Have a good time." he whispered. Red smirked behind me as Elvis close the door.

"Rose, where Are we going anyway?"I asked her, once we've been driving for too long. 

"It's a surprise! "she smirked, putting the blind fold on me.

hours later i heard the car stop and giggling, Rose told them to pipe down . 

"Okay were here! "I heard Rose say , I felt a hand grab mine and pulling  me out of the car.

"can I take it off now!"I said in a rushed voice.

"not yet " i heard the smile in her voice.

i heard shuffling all around me and music starting to play.

"Okay, you can take it off now" Rose helped me pull the blind fold off making me gasp at what I've seen.
sparkling lights hung above me , beautiful trees all around me with pink balloons hanging from them, a Frank Sinatra record played softly in the back ground.

"Oh,My"tears started streaming down my face, mother pulled me in for a tight hug.

"don't cry"my mother said

"these Are tears of joy!"I said they all laughed

Elvis P.O.V

I wonder What Melissa was doing or where she was I hope she's Okay, i worry too much about her. I know she hates being alone but she's with her sister and mother, she's not really alone.

"Come on E, quit worrying about Melissa I'm Sure she's fine she's with her sister Nothing will happen"Red bugged me, handing me a drink.

"I know but she's my soon to be wife I kinda have to worry about her."I mumbled, why would Red care anyway about Lissa. i should be worrying about where she went and if she's in trouble.

"Hey, let's go to the bar that always cheers you up"he perked up, grabbing my key's from me.

"I don't know Red,  I'm not in the drinking mood "I rubbed my temples, trying to get this Major headache away.

"Well, trust me on this. "Red smirked ,  putting on his jacket

"Okay if it will help any"I said he gave me my jacket and we were off I know Melissa wouldn't like this idea, but i needed this and i know Red is only trying to help me get my mind off of Lissa.

Melissa P.O.V

After all the fun i had at my party, i was missing Elvis and wanted to go home towards the end. so Rose drove me back home and helped me out of the car since i was a little drunk.

"Come on Lissa, you have too help me a bit."Rose had to lift me out of the car and try to help me on the steps to the house. why did Elvis put so many steps here again.

"my feet can't work."I stumbled up the steps.

after about an hour of trying to get me in the house Joe came out here to help me giving Rose a break.

"Elvis! "I yelled  for him to help me.

No answer

"I'm home!!"I yelled

no answer yet again.

I found gene in the jungle room

"gene , do you know where Elvis is?"I asked him, leaning on the threshold for support.

"um n-no" he stuttered.

"Are you Sure "I raised my brow, thinking he might know something.

"Yeah I just got here"he said

I stormed out, looking every where for Elvis. how could he just leave without telling me where he's going.

"Scotty! "I yelled.

"What?"he asked me, his head poked out from the fridge. 

"do you know were Red and Elvis are"I asked him he stopped looking through the fridge and faced me. it was silence for a moment.,

"No "he said and continued looking

"Scott, I need you help please "I pleaded, i needed to know where Elvis was and now.

he stopped and shut the fridge

"Okay I do know Something "he said

"What is it??"I asked him

"well Elvis was worried about you so red took him out I don't know where though. "he breathed out

"so you have no, idea where they Are"I sighed.

"I'm afraid not"he mumbled, giving an apologetic smile.

" Thanks , anyway "I said walking up stairs .

I did my night routine and brushed my teeth and got in bed and it was 4:00  AM and usually Elvis would be in bed by now I'm still mad at him, He should tell me where he's going. but if i didn't tell him it would be ww3.

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