chapter 31

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Elvis P.O.V

"Where have you been??"Melissa said to me as I walked in our bedroom taking off my shirt,  kicking my boots across our clean floor. it was clear that Melissa just got done cleaning, Her hair was in a beautiful messy bun. Too bad she was pissed off at me.

"Out"I spat, I didn't need her shit too i was already frustrated enough.

"E we need to talk"she mummbled.  Folding some clothes on the bed. 

"about what"I asked,  not wanting to argu since that's all we do already.

"I found something in your shirt pocket today"she cried,  And I already knew what this was about. i should have thrown it away. shit.

"what did you find"I asked getting into bed, knowing what she's gonna say.

"A number Elvis a women's phone number"she sobbed , throwing the napkin on me harshly. Fuck. I fucked up bad.

"please Melissa not this again "I rolled My eyes trying to act casual about this even though I fucked up.

"Elvis, you can't keep doing this shit to me." She replied,  moving My legs over to my side of the bed.   

Melissa P.O.V

I knew Elvis was cheating on me but he won't admit it , and it's killing me that he wont tell me. I just need him too admit to it.

"Elvis you haven't kissed or touched me since I've been pregnant "I said crying, I needed to tell him how I feel or this relationship isn't going anywhere.

"Melissa I need time "he said running a hand though his hair.

"for what! "I snapped standing up,  throwing my hands in the air. i was done with his mood swing shit.

he glared at me,  Standing up and slaming the door. the next morning I woke up and started cleaning this is the only way I can get my mind off of things I made out bed then did some laundry when I got a phone call .

"hello"a familiar voice whispered

"hi is this Melissa and who might this be "i replied trying to be quiet.

"it's red , red west"he's said making me blush, his deep voice made it hard for me to conertrate.

"Red you can't keep calling me Elvis will find out "I said in a whisper, i walked over to the door to look down the hall way making sure Elvis wasn't anywhere near.

"I need to know how you are "he said desperately

"red I'm perfectly fine"I said, trying to sound like i wasn't lying.

"no your not I know you Melissa and I can tell your not fine I've papers"he said, and he was right.

I started crying Red was the only one who gets me, but i can't let Elvis find out It would crush him.

"okay okay your right red sorry my life isn't perfect like yours!"I snapped, getting fed up with going back and forth with him.

it was silence for a moment before I heard Elvis laughter coming from down stairs

"look I gotta go Elvis is home"I said.

"call Me if anything goes wrong "he replied, his voice laced with concern. I can picture him running a hand through his perfect Red hair.

"bye red"I said  then hanged up. I jumped when I heard the door open.

"hey baby what are you doing?" Elvis Wrapped his hands around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

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