chapter 55

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Melissa POV

the next week me Elvis and summer went to Vegas With the Mafia I've never been to Vegas or even Nevada it was fun Elvis showed me around

"Melissa look"Elvis said pointing at him self on the build board we were in the strip.

"Wow E your big here"I tell him he smiles

"This reminds Me of my first time"he says

"Guys let's go!"Joe yells from the car

"Go where?"I ask Elvis he takes my hand

"To the casino "he says I shake my head

"Elvis you know I don't like to gamble "I tell him

"You don't have to gamble Melissa I'll do all the work"he says with a chuckle he opens the door for me and we were off

"just watch you don't have to play"he says

"okay "I mumbled getting out

"Elvis it's so good to see you!"a girl said running up to him I give him a look

"you to Joan I haven't seen you since blue Hawaii "he tells her hugging her

"Will you be in town I would love to catch up with you"she says I start to get jealous

"Yea I will be but I got to do a show"he said

"Well I should be going it was good to see you! "she said they hugged again and she kissed his cheek my face turns red with anger

"You to see you soon"Elvis said as she walked away He smiled I shake my head and storm inside

"Melissa"I hear Elvis yell for me

"What's wrong? "he asked me

"You didn't even acknowledge me Elvis you were just busy with Joan"I tell him he grabs me in a hug I try to escape

"get away from me!"I tell him he grabs a hold of my arms and kisses me with passion

"I'm sorry I didn't tell her about you"he apologize as we pull away

"Why didn't you? "I ask him

"Because I don't know"he said with a sigh

"Did you guys have a thing?"I ask him

"It only lasted 4 months"he tells me he holds my hand

'But I love you now and that's all that matters"he says I smile and kiss him

"I known you do and I love you just as much more than you can imagine"I tell him he kisses my cheek

"So have you took a pregnancy test?"he asked me he really wanted to have another child

"Yes I did and I'm not pregnant"I say in a sad tone

"Hey it's alright that means there's more time to try"he says with a chuckle

"Mama"summer up ran to me

"yes baby"I ask her while I pick her up

"Can we go to the circus?"she says

"not today honey "I said she looks sad

"Hey after daddy works I'll take you"Elvis said summer smiled

"Okay thank you daddy"she said and kisses His cheek

"Your welcome my baby"he told her I smiled

After a couple hours in the casino Elvis had to rehears and me and summer watched him

"Were caught in a trap I can't walk out because I love you to much baby why can't you see what your doing to me when you don't believe a word I'm saying "Elvis sang summer clapped

"It's not over yet sweetie"I tell her

The song was done and summer ran to the background singers the sweet inspirations

"I like when you guys sing"she tells them they all smile

"Thank you it means a lot"cissy said

"K guys 5 minute brake"Elvis told the band everyone went there separate ways

"I need a new background Singer"Elvis said whipping his face with a towel

"Why what happened? "I asked him

"She got really sick and she can't make it to the show Friday "he says

"What are you gonna do? "I tell him

"How about you sing with me!"he tells me

"E you know I have stage fright"I tell him

"I know but you can sing "he says I shake my head no

"Please baby plus I'll be there with you and other people"he says

"Fine but if I throw up it's your fault"I tell him he hugs me and kisses me

"Thank you baby! "he said

Elvis POV

I'm so happy Melissa said she would I was gonna purpose to again on stage I knew she would think that is romantic

"Melissa I want you to wear something really special "I tell her as we drive to the hotel

"Why E don't you want me to look like everyone else "she says

"No of course not your my wife and I want you to look special"I tell her she smiles

"Okay if you say so"she says with a smile

"Wait whos gonna watch summer?"she asked me

"Joe will he loves her"I said unmaking the bed

"This is gonna be real fun"she says I kiss her

"Yes it will be"I say as she laid her head on my chest

I love Melissa so much she has no idea

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