chapter 36

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Melissa P.O.V

it's been a month since my ma's funeral and I've been feelings a little sick I didn't know if I was pregnant and I didn't want to tell Elvis just yet because I didn't know so I took a pregnancy test, I waited patiently on the toilet.

"come on"I whispered , looking down I seen two line.  Oh my,  I'm....pregnant. 

"Melissa are you alright? "I heard Vern say on the other side of the door, I didn't know the answer to that.  I sighed before opening the door.

"Yes Vern im fine ..."I replied,  Trying to sound convincing." where's Elvis?? "I asked,

"Funny you asked, Elvis was asking about you." he laughed.

'ok, good. i need to tell him something.."I didn't wanna tell Vernon first.

"Tell me what??" Elvis walked in, looking as handsome as usual.,He always makes my knees shake.

"I'll leave you two." Vernon walked out shutting the door behind him. I took a deep breath before gesturing for him to sit on the bed.

"you're not leaving me , are you?" Elvis worried. i smiled small crouching down between his knees, cupping his cheeks.

"never." a small tear fell down, Elvis whipped it quickly. "I'm pregnant..." I blurted out, just saying those words made my heart stop.

"pregnant..." Elvis smiled, I nodded and he lifted me up from my feet kissing me all over. "my baby's pregnant!!!!" he yelled happily.

I giggled watching how excited he was, something deep down felt wrong about this but seeing how happy this made him changed it all.

"i love you!" he kissed my lips multiple times, he gently layed me on the bed kissing my neck.

"E-Elvis..." I moaned, grabbing him by the collar I flipped us over so I was on top,


I rolled over elvis, trying to catch my breath. Elvis fell peacefully asleep. I smiled, rubbing his hair from his face.

moments of me laying m=in bed , I grabbed my robe and made my way down the stairs when suddenly i bumped into someone.

"oh, sorry.." i looked up to see Red, my heart stopped. I havent seeing him since he told me to leave and since me and Elvis's engagement party.

"Melissa..." Red looked down at me, i gulped because I was afraid of what was gonna happen next. he pulled me to the side of the house kissing me slowly

for a moment I let it happen, but then it got too far when he lifted my legs around his waist.

"No Red!" I jumped down from him, making my way inside.

"Melissa! you cant just keep running away from you're problems!!" Red yelled.

"I'm running away from my problems, you left me. you left Red. you pushed me aside and i was begging for you." I sobbed, "I can't do this again Red, i can't"

"Melissa, hear me out please." red begged, pleaded for me.

"No, I waisted my time on you. I can't" I sobbed as i walked away.

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