chapter 38

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1 week later

Melissa P.O.V

we arrived in Hawaii and me and Elvis stayed and lounged around the first week. We talked about us and our future and what we both wanted for each other.

"Baby I'll be back"Elvis said to me. Putting on his left shoe , hopping around.

"were you going? "I asked, sitting up in bed. Covering myself.

"Getting breakfast " He replied, walking over to my side of the bed.

"Why can't the guys go?"I frowned as he kissed my forehead.

"There all sleeping, anyway I'll be fine "He said as he kissed my lips.I felt something deep in my stomach that he should have gone. later on there was a knock on the door

"red what are you doing here"I said with the door cracked. I was shocked too see him standing behind the door. 

"To see you, obviously"he replied through the cracked door. I opened the door all the way so I can see him.

"why?"I asked as he walked in and closed the door behind him.

"see how you are. How thing have been since." He shook his red wet hair. From all the rain .

"how did you know I was here?"I asked, ignoring his questions.

"tabloids "he replied getting closer to me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Elvis is gonna be back soon"I said, giving us some space.

"I meet a girl" he smiled. "She perfect, her smile. Everything about her.

"really "I replied happily. Im haply for him, hes a great guy and deserves better. 

"yea. She wants to get married this june"He rubbed the back of his neck with a frown.

"that's great red!"I said.  

"er....I guess "he said closing his eyes for a moment.

"what's on your mind?"I asked him he got up close to me our noses just a centimeter a part I bit my lip .

"she's not you"he said I shook my head

"red don't do this "I said he backed me up against the wall putting both arms up so I wouldn't escape

"tell me you don't love me"he replied " im only doing this so i can forget about you. But your always on my mind. No matter what I do...."

I looked him in the eyes with tears in mine "red"I whispered

"tell me Melissa "he demanded, he let go of my arms and lifted my chin. a tear dribbled down my cheek

"I'm finally happy why can't you just except that"I said in a low voice, so know one will hear.

"because I know your lying, I know how you are Melissa please tell me"he said. 

"red I -I don't love you"I said with tears rolling down my cheeks

"your a liar"he whispered and kissed my cheek

I moved around his arm and stormed off to my bed room I can't believe him he comes on my vacation trying to get me back and then he says I'm lying

"Melissa please open up!"I heard red on the other side of the door

"red just go okay go back to your girlfriend and just leave me alone!!"I yelled through the crack of the door. and so he did I heard foot steps going towards the front door and slamming it I was surprise that the guys didn't wake up

"Melissa?? "I heard Elvis saying, I got up and ran to Elvis hugging him tightly

"you okay baby?"he asked. I lifted my head to see his worried eyes. And smiled.

"just fine "I mumbled against his chest. he kissed my head and smiled

"are you sure baby?"he said

"yes Elvis you don't have to worry"I said but he did have to

Elvis P.O.V

Melissa was acting strange after we left Hawaii no one knew what was wrong not even me

"baby "I said walking into our room it was dark and I head Melissa crying under the covers she sat up she looked so tired

"tell me what's wrong"I said in a whisper and sat next to her.

"I saw red"she said I rubbed her back and she rested her head on my shoulder

"are you mad?"she asked me I shook my head no

"what did he say"I said she closed her eyes for a long time

"he said th-that he wishes I was with him"she said I clenched my fist then unclenched this wasn't her fault to begin with

"that's why you've been acting different " I said she just sighed and I kissed her cheek

"I'm sorry I put you through this"she said

"it's all fine"I said she was already sleeping and I kissed the side of her head and covered her with blankets I walked down stairs to see my dad.

"How is she?"pa asked from the kitchen, reading the paper.

"she saw red when we were in Hawaii "I sighed. Gripping my hair in frustration.

"Elvis don't Lose control "he shook his head. 

"I don't know if she wants for be with me"I said with teary eyes.

"son what ever happened that baby needs you "he said

I just nodded he sighed

Melissa P.O.V

I woke up from my nap and took my pills I haven't for a long time I've seen Elvis pills on the counter he must still take them I shook my head and got out of bed

"Elvis can we talk"I said and stood in front of the door way

"sure"he said he looked like he's been crying

"Elvis I'm so confused "I said with tears dribbling down my cheek he whipped my tears

"what ever happens I'll be here "he said in a whisper, cupping my cheeks.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt"I said he stroked my hair as I rested my head on his shoulder

"I just care for you I want you to be happy"he said. I started to sob harder. 

"look at me"he said, I ignored him

"baby look at me"he said again he lifted my head so I can see him we both had teary eyes

"I promise I'll always be here for you no matter what happens between us"he said and kissed me with such passion I deepened the kiss he kissed my neck slowly

"Elvis no "I said he ignored me and kissed my chest

"Elvis please stop"I whispered he then kissed me roughly and touched my thighs

"ELVIS! "I said i pushed him off of me.

"What!?" He yelled.

"I can't believe you "I said and cried hugging my self. 

"why you like it when red dose it"he said and laughed I slapped him across the face

"you bitch!!!"he said and grabbed my wrist

"let go!"I said trying to get away from him

"what's gotten into you"I said crying he let go of me

"I don't know "he said getting up I saw him take a pill

"you need to stop them!"I said

"don't tell me what to do"he snapped from the door way.

"there changing you E making you not your self"I said there was a silence

"im sleeping on the couch"he mumbled going in the jungle room slamming the door

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