chapter 30

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Melissa P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes,  confusion took over my emotions.  I knew what happend to my mother. And there was nothing I could do. 

"Lissa.... " Elvis approached me,  I turned away towards him facing the wall.  I couldnt look at anyone right now, I just needed my mom.

"She's.... She's gone. " I cried,  hugging myself.  My emotions were all over the place, I didn't know what to feel right now or even if I could feel.

"Baby. Baby.  I know,  I'm sorry ...." Elvis's voice broke like he's gonna tear up.  I felt his touch on my shoulder. 

"You're sisters here... " he sighed, I turned over seeing Rose sleeping in the hospital chair.

"She's been sleep for hours,  she wanted you... " Elvis announced , Elvis looked tired just from his eye's like he hasn't slept in days. 

"I'm a shitty sister.. " I sobbed,  Elvis pulled me close in his arms .

"No,  you're just going though shit.  We all are. "Elvis whispered,  kissing my temple.

I've done alot of messed of stuff but, the one I regret the most is not spending enough time with My mom. 

The door creeked open , turning my attention towards it. 

"Mrs .Presley , I have some news for the both of you.  Kind of exciting  if you ask me. "He chuckled.

"What is it... " I questioned,  Elvis raised his brows .

"You'r pregnant!!  Congrats. " he smiled widely. 

My mind stopped,  I don't know how to feel.  I glance towards Elvis who looked Twice as confused as me.

"I'll leave you two alone.. " The doctor left,  shutting the door behind him. 

Moments passed without either of us speaking.  I was too afraid too,  I wouldn't know what too say.

"Elvis... "

"This is..  Its great. " he smiled,  kissing me slightly. 

"Really,  you're not upset. " I questioned

"Upset?? Why would I?  This is the best thing that could happen. " He Smiled.

The only thing that would be better is if my mother were here. 

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