chapter 28

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Melissa P.O.V

I awoke trying to comprehend what happen last night, with Red Jumping up from his seat, Rose yelling at me for not telling her about Red. But I knew if i did tell Rose she would still lash out at me, its a win loose situation .

I tried to get out of bed but, Elvis's arms wrapped tight around me stopping me from my movement. is sighed with happiness Turing around.

"where do you think your going?" Elvis asked me, amusement lingered in his eyes.

"To use the restroom"I laughed.

he kissed my forehead and let me go . I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine once I was done Elvis stood in the door way blocking me with his cute, stupid grin .

"what's with you?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

"what it feels great to finally be married to you." He wrapped his arms around me, snuggling me close.

"It's took  you long enough. " I giggled, turning around in his arms.

I walked pass him down stairs with him following me like a lost puppy.

I made us breakfast and we were cuddling on the couch just then I heard A sharp ring of the telephone. 

"hello "I said

"Melissa something terrible happened"I heard rose crying hysterical

"Judy breath what happened "I was starting to hyperventilate. 

there was a silence then I heard A faint  crying again

"Mom's In the hospital, she had a stroke."Rose sobbed.

I couldn't speak I was heart broke my mother is my best friend and if I lose her it would be like losing my whole life

"Melissa? "Rose questioned.

"I'm here "I blankly  replied.

"everyone is here at the hospital, you should come." Rose replied before the phone cut off.

Elvis P.O.V

Melissa stares  blankly at the wall, With the phone gripped in her hand sobbing quietly.

"baby what's wrong, what happened?" I questioned pulling the phone out of her hand slowly.

"my mom's in the hospital "she cried, holding onto me "E I want to see her"she Sniffled, her deep brown eyes pricing into mine.

"What ever you need."I Helped her up the steps, guiding her to out suitcases.

"E never leave me" She whispered quietly.

"I promise I'll never leave you"I replied, over her distraught crying

Melissa P.O.V

"oh mom"I whispered, covering my mouth. It took all that I had not to scream at the top of lungs.

"Melissa it's so good you came!"Daddy smiled once he seen me,he got up and hugged me  he looked like he haven't sleep in days.

grandma was here too,  she looked the same way as she always have'd. 

"oh my baby"she sobbed.

"how are you gran"I asked, already knowing the answer. 

"could be better "she smiled bravely.

I walked over to mom where  she was sleeping I held her hand tightly not wanting to let go.

"how long has she been sleeping? "I questioned.

"Since this morning, She hasn't woke yet. "Rose mumbled, It still felt awkward with her and me in the same room. But I can't worry about that right now.

The door opened, and I almost forgot Elvis was here till I looked towards the door,  the doctor came in giving us a small smile.

"how is she doc"Daddy wanted a straight awsner, The doctor gave  my mother a worried look before he replied.

"she's in a coma, Were not sure when or if she'll wake up."Dr Smith sighed, before looking at me.

everyone was silence for a moment, Not knowing what to say or if we should say anything.

"Well  what are you gonna do! "Daddy snapped, Getting irritated. 

"All we can do is wait Mr.Rowe "The doctor replied before he shut the door.

"Dad, you need rest me and Elvis will stay here"I insisted,  He looked like he hasn't slept in weeks.

"No, I can't leave your mother and I won't"he replied, Getting offended. I know how much he loves my mom but he needs to look after his own well being.

"if anything happens to her , I don't know what I'll do"he Mumbled, looking away from me.

"Don't say that because she'll be fine"I assured him, Hugging him gently.

Elvis P.O.V

Melissa and her family where crying for hours it made me tear up seeing Melissa like that, I didn't know what to say. I never been in a situation where I never knew what to do, I just wanted to make Melissa comfortable.

Melissa held on to her mom's hand all day long, sobbing quietly to herself.

"Melissa "I whispered, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

she looked up at me with teary eyed, Leaning her head on my shoulder. 

"Baby your making yourself sick..." I pulled her to my side,  I didn't want her to fell like I didn't care about her.

"E I can't go"she chocked up, Wipping her tears.

"Honey she'll be okay she has doctors coming in and out of the room."I comforted her, wanting her to feel safe.

"I don't know what I'll do if she leaves me"she murmured, Hugging me tightly.

Red walked in, With a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"What are you doing here"I whispered, Pulling him to outside of the hospital room.

"I came to see how Melissa is doing, I heard about her mom and-"

"And what? how do you think she's doing?!" I snapped, I lost my cool when he walked in. Why dose he come in after I told him to stay away.

"I just came to stop by"he Defended himself.

Melissa P.O.V

I heard Elvis talking to someone but I couldn't pick it up, so I listened closely to see if I could hear anything.

"who told you, you can come?"I heard Elvis Whisper harshly. 

"Melissa's father, I called him.  "I heard a familiar voice

I slowly opened my eyes and it was red

"your awake baby"Elvis said then kissed by forehead gently

"E , can you leave us alone for a moment? "I asked him, my voice still groggy from my sleep.

"uh yeah I'll just wait out side "Elvis glanced at Red before walking out.

"Melissa I'm so sorry about the wedding I should have never done that, and I'm so sorry about your mother" Red said making sure Elvis didn't hear him

"It's fine Red everything is okay" I replied, not wanting him to take full blame with us.

"You did look beautiful in that dress" Red blushed, pushing his hair back with his fingers.

"Red I'm married "I giggled, pushing him back slightly.

"Sorry, I cant tell a lie."he replied . it feels good to laugh I haven't laughed since since I heard about mom, I pray that she's okay .

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