chapter 40

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  later on that evening

Melissa P.O.V

I hope that my father won't be so mean I know that he cares deeply for me

"Melissa honey your father's here"Vern said

"thank you Vern can you please help me up"I said he smiled

"sure sweet pea"he said with a grin

he held his hand out and I took it as I stood up I lost my balance

"you okay?"he asked

"yes just lost my balance "I said rubbing my stomach

he held my hand down stairs as my nervous kicked in

"Melissa "daddy said

I gulped

"hi daddy"I said looking down

"Elvis my father is here "I said as Elvis walked in the door

"hello Mike"he said nervously

"hi Elvis can I speak with you out side"he said

"sure"Elvis said he kissed my cheek and walked out with my father

Elvis P.O.V

once Melissa father wanted to see me out side I was so nervous

"my baby girl called me crying the other day"he said seriously

I swallowed

"yes sir and I can explain "I said

"I warned you never hurt my little girl again "he said

"I know and I'm sorry really I am if my mama was here she would be ashamed of me"I said

"that don't change anything "he said

"I'm bringing Melissa home were she belongs"he said

"no sir please I love her I really do"I said with tears in my eyes

"you don't show it"he said

there was a silence.

"I'm giving you one last chance and if she calls me again that's it"he said

"do you understand? "he asked

"yes sir thank you! "I said happily

"your a good guy Elvis "he said

"thank you"I said he man hugged me

"is everything Okay? "Melissa asked

"everything is fine"I beamed

"good I'm glad "she said and kissed me

"well I have some news"Mike said

Melissa P.O.V

"what is it?"I questioned

"I meet this women last month and uh were dating "he said out of the blue

I didn't make how to feel if I felt happy for him or sad but i know ma would want daddy to find someone new

"Melissa? "daddy said

"I'm happy for you"I said with a smile

"that's wonderful! "he said.

"when do I get to meet her"I asked

"when ever is fine really "he said

"I'm just happy your happy "I said he kissed my cheek

"see you later sugar "he said

"bye daddy "I said as I hugged him

I was in  bed and I felt a pain hit me.

"Elvis get up"I said shaking him 

"what's wrong "he said with a sleepy voice

"I think it's time"I breathed out

he quickly got up and got dressed he held my hand until we reached the hospital

"now this shot is for the pain "the doctor said I nodded and Elvis took my hand

she shot is in my back I squeezed his hand tightly

"now once that kicks in you gotta push"she said

"Elvis if anything happens to me I love you"I said

"nothing will happen I promise "he said and kissed

30 minutes later the doctor came back

"alright honey you need to push"she said

I tried to push but the pain was to much

"I mama"I said my bangs stuck to my forehead Elvis pushed my bangs away

"I know honey but right now she's looking down and see how amazing you are"he said I smiled

"push again"the doctor said

I pushed squeezed his hand

"owwwwwwww"I screamed

Elvis looked were the doctor was and almost passed out

"Elvis! "I said

"push"she said

I pushed again and heard baby cries fill the room

"congratulations Mr and Mrs Presley it's a baby girl!"the doctor said as she let me hold my beautiful baby girl

"she's breath taking "I said as I gazed at my little girl

"she looks just like you"Elvis said with a smile

"she's gorgeous "he said and kissed her forehead gently

"little summer love Presley "I said

this night turned out just amazing

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