chapter 32

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Elvis P.O.V

I feel bad what I've said to Melissa she don't need this, just because I got caught doing something I wasn't supposed to.

"Son..... we need a talk"Pa said to me, He sat down near the stairs. trying to gather his thoughts.

"You hurt that wife of your's up there Elvis, and you keep hurting her. You lie to her all the time and you go out and don't come back until who knows when" Pa sighed, getting fed up with me.

"I know ,I know "I mumbled running a hand through my hair

"did you sleep with Nancy "Pa said looking me in the eye, forcing me to look in his eyes. "no"I lied. I couldn't tell him the truth.

"I know, when your lying Elvis "Pa shook his head, standing up where he sat.

"okay, okay! I slept with her."I sighed, Saying it out loud made it sound worst.

"Elvis what has gotten in to you uh!"Pa said walking past me. I turned around and seen Melissa with teary eyes

"You lied to me th-this whole time"she choked up, covering her mouth from shock.

"how long were you there" I looked up at her.

"dose it matter?!!!"she Yelled, she shook her head sitting on the floor crying.

"Melissa i-im so sorry I didn't know what I was doing "I said walking up to her putting my hand on her arm.

"don't touch me,don't ever touch me!!!"she said yanking her arm away from me running up stairs

Melissa P.O.V

I couldn't believe what I heard Elvis tell Vern I was stunned, and absolutely shocked. I know he cheated on me multiple times before but this one hurt.

"Melissa open up!!"Elvis screamed, pounding on my door. I was sitting on the floor, in tears.

"I never want to see you ever again" i mumbled, my crying was so loud I couldn't hear Elvis pounding.

"Melissa please open up" He pleaded, He pounded one more time. it was quiet for a moment. "Melissa I'm sorry "Elvis cried.

I ignored him and took a shower then hopped into bed I cried that night wishing my mama was here to comfort me. I woke up with tears that morning and everything was in slow motion I felt my whole world come crashing down my husband has cheated on, my my mother died and I'm pregnant. 

"Rose, what are you doing here"I asked as she walked in Graceland. her blond hair in a neat yet essy bun. she looked beautiful.

"Elvis called me over" She placed her purse on the countertop, slowly making her way to me.

I rolled my eyes, moving from her touch.

"He says you guys are getting a divorce?"she says in a sad tone.

"Yes he wants to I tried everything to make him happy and he cheats on me then he accuses ME of cheating "I sobbed, She clung onto me.

"Elvis, He needs time" she sighed, smoothing my hair back.

"why dose everyone keep saying that!?!?"I yelled, moving from her touch.

"why don't you come home with me"She smiled. I was silence."we still need to plan mama's funeral" She Frowned.

"Okay.." I told Vern and Dee where I was going then headed out I really didn't want to plan the funeral but we need to have one.

Elvis P.O.V

I came home from the studio and Melissa was gone I shouldn't blame her from all the crap I put her through. I got a call from Rose, hoping Melissa was with her.

"Elvis we need you to come to the hospital!!!! "Judy sobbing. I can hear other voice's in the back ground.

"why what happened? "I asked, pacing back and forth. prying it wasn't Melissa.

"Melissa she she"rose said crying.

"Rose, breath tell me what happened "I tried to remain calm

"she collapsed "she chocked up, She left the phone for a moment the came back.

"I'm coming right now "I said then hanged up.

I couldn't loss Melissa even though we fight I still love her with all my heart I just pray she won't be gone.I got to the hospital and ran all the way to the room the nurse told me.

Melisa was comfortably on the hospital bed, With open arms waiting for me to arrive.

"I'm So sorry Elvis "she mumbled, Crying into my shoulder.

"You have nothing to be sorry about I should be the one to say sorry "I whispered sternly, cupping her cheeks.

"I lost the baby "she said trying not to cry I held her hand, tightly. it was all my fault I gave her to much stress .

"I loved that baby "she sobbed " and I didn't even get to hold him.

"I know I did to" I hugged her tightly, Rocking her back and forth.

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