chapter 37

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Melissa P.O.V

for the next couple of weeks Elvis didn't talk to no one not even me, And it wasn't anything new. but the way his Demeter changed scared me a little. I didn't know how to help or what to do. he is my husband but i have never dealt with this before.

"Did ya see the papers this morning? "Scott asked me one day, it was a cold afternoon which was strange for Tennessee.

"No why?" I Questioned looking down at the newspaper.

"Look who's on the cover"He said as he held it up in front of me. It was a picture of Elvis and the head line read "Tough bad boy!!"

I walked up stairs to find Elvis, hoping he wouldn't flip when he seen it. "Look who made the cover"I said holding the paper up the newspaper in front of Elvis.

"What are you talking about?"Elvis said turning around, his eyes widen at the site of the front paper.

" When did this come out?"he asked grabbing it from Me.

"This morning "I sighed. He ran a hand through his hair.

"This.....This cant be first the Beatles now this??"he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Elvis everyone has little bumps in there career "I said, trying to cheer him up. he sat down on the sofa eyes still on the paper

"The colonel did say that I better watch out "he said shaking his head

"Baby it's gonna be okay "I said sitting down next to him rubbing his back.

"Will it Melissa "he sighed facing me.

"Yes we just need to tell the press it was a big mistake "I replied.

"I'm sorry I've been ignoring you this pass week"he said then kissed me I smiled.

"I understand Elvis you were just too stressed out"I smiled.
he smiled and took my small gentle hand into his and entwined our fingers

"Hows my little baby in there "He said and placed his other hand over my little bump

"Just fine"I said he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"we need to find baby names"he suggested

"E the baby isn't due for another 7 months "I said

"well it's better now then Never"he said

"what do you have in mind?"I said

"I was thinking for a girl summer love Presley "he said

"I love that name! "I said he smiled

"and for a boy Jesse Vernon Presley "he said proudly

"after your brother "I said smiling

he nodded and kissed me

"were gonna be great parents "he whispered in my ear

"yes we are"I said he kissed me and I kissed back he deepened the kiss by getting on me

"E I never knew you can kiss like that"I said he smirked

"guess that's just the animal in me"he said shutting the curtains

Elvis P.O.V

the next day I woke in the jungle room with Melissa snuggled up against me I kissed her forehead gently and quietly got out of bed

"hey E"Joe said as I walked down the stairs

"hey"I said

"Maybe you and Melissa need sometime alone before the baby comes"he said

"your right after all we didn't even have a honeymoon "I said

"I'll arrange it for you guys"he said

"thanks man"I said

"anytime "he said walking into daddy's office

I wanted everything to be perfect especially of what happened yesterday Melissa needs the best

"good morning "I said to Melissa as she walked down the stairs her hair was in a bun and she had one of my shirt on

"morning "she said smiling

she sat next to me on my 10ft white couch I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheek

"let's go on a vacation "i said she got excited

"really!! "she squealed

"yea after all we didn't get a honeymoon "I said

"oh baby I can't wait "she said and wrapped her arms around my neck squeezing me tightly

"me either!"I said she kissed me

this is gonna be the best vacation I had in a long time

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