chapter 50

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Melissa P.O.V

Today was the day I had to go to court and I dressed in my most professional but fashionable outfit Elvis got it for my 21 birthday. Jack said he would watch summer while I go I thanked him and headed off to court I was 10 minutes late

"Mrs Presley your late"the judge said

"I know I'm super sorry and my names Miss Rowe "I replied. walking towards my seat

I looked over and Elvis looked like he been crying all day. I didnt pay close attention to him though qnd turned back to the judge.

"Right so let's get this done"the judge said

"Are you sure you want a divorce?"Judy asked me handing me the pen

"This is best for me and Elvis also summer "I said as a tear fell down my cheek

"Mr Presley is it correct that you will pay the child support once a month?"the judge asked him

"Yes that's correct "he said elvis held my hand which I didn't mind

I tried to sign the papers but my hand was shaking

"Melissa breath "he said

"Elvis I'm sorry I can't "I said crying he pulled me into his arms I cried against his chest

"We don't have to Melissa "I heard him say

"But we don't get along"I cried and somewhat mumbled

"I know I know we don't "he said I heard him sob

"But what ever happens I'll still be here for you"he said and whipped my tears

"you were my first love "I said and he kissed my forehead

"And you'll be my last "he said

I breathed in and got my pen and singed the papers Elvis did the same and we were officially divorced

Elvis P.O.V

"So I'll see you around? "I said as we walked to the parking lot

She ran up to me and hugged me tightly

"I'll never forget you E"she said I kissed her one last time it was a long and slow kiss

"And you know I'll never forget you"I said above a whisper

"I'll bring summer over next weekend "she said

"Alright "I said I kissed her cheek and she walked away towards her car I went towards mine

"Did it go okay?"Joe asked as soon as I got in

"Just like any normal divorce "I said putting my seat belt on

"Are you alright "he asked as he started the car

"Yea man I'm fine"I answered

The way home back to Graceland was a long and quiet one

"I'll be in my room"I mumbled walking up the stairs I heard hoe and the guys talking about who knows what

"How'd it go E?"Linda asked me getting up from the bed

"It went okay"I said honestly

"Are you sure ?"she asked

"Yes Linda it  went good "I said

"I'm just worried is all"she said as I kissed her

"Baby there's nothing to be worried about trust me "I said as I laid her on the bed

"Okay "she said.

I just hope things don't change

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