chapter 33

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Melissa P.O.V

I woke up in a deep sleep and seen Elvis sleeping in the hospital chair I smiled at how cute he was, we've both been through a lot and we put each other through enough. Rose and my dad both came to see me, I've been so distant since mom died.

"Has he been here all night "Rose strutted in, wearing her violet blouse and denim capris she always looked fashion forward.

"He hasn't left me.." I smiled, reaching over and stroking his hair.

"He's a good man, A keeper." My dad butted in, that was a shock for me. my dad and Elvis never really got along, but things change.

"He is. "I Smirked.

The door knocked, and moments later my doctor came in.

"How are you feeling, Mrs. Presley?" she asked, walking around my hospital bed and checking my vitals.

"I'm okay "I mumbled, not really wanting to making conversation not because I don't want to but because I'm too tired.

"I you must feel losing a child "She gave me sympathy, which I usually hate but this time I'll let it slide.

I tried not to cry, holding in my tears. Rose held my hand tightly.

"When can she be released? "my dad asked, concerned about me.

"In a couple days, just have to make sure everything is alright."she smiled, i thanked her and she made her way out. Seconds later Elvis woke up, his hair sticking straight up. I had to hold back a giggle.

"We'll good morning sleepy head" I said he smiled

"morning "he said stretching his arms and legs

"well leave you to "pa said walking out with Judy

"I feel so bad Melissa I put you through to much stress "Elvis said holding my hand

"I know E its okay "I said

"you don't deserve it "he said almost crying

"baby it's fine I'm okay "I said he placed his hand on My cheek

"you sure"he said

"yes I'm perfectly fine"we both smiled

Vern came running in

"oh sugar I heard what happened"Vern said

I smiled at how caring he is

"I'm okay "I said he smiled

"good "he said with a sigh of relief

"where's Dee?"I ask.

Elvis rolled his eyes he still didn't like her.

"oh she's coming right up she seen your father and stopped to talk to him " he said

then Dee came in

"oh Melissa you poor thing"she said walking towards me

Elvis gave her a dirty look

"I'm fine you guys really "I said

"Elvis how are ya"she asked Elvis happily

"fine"Elvis mumbled .

"Elvis please be kind to Dee"Vern said

"why should I?"he said

"because she's your mother!"Vern said

"she's not my real mother! !!"Elvis said

"Elvis "I said

"I'm sorry okay "he said

it was silence for a moment

"I'll wait out side "Dee said

I feel bad for her she was trying to be nice to her step son and Elvis was just being rude

"Elvis did you really have to say that "I said

"look I still can't get used to it"he said

"well you should apologize she was only trying to be nice"Vern said

Elvis P.O.V

I walked out to find Dee

"Dee I'm sorry "I said walking up to her and hugged her

"I know you are I may not be your mother but I love you like you were my own child "she said

"Thank you Dee "I said she smiled

"so are we Okay? "she asked me

"Yea were okay "I said we both smiled

3 days later Melissa was released she didn't seem herself she didn't talk to anyone

I walked into my room and the blinds and lights were off and Melissa was snuggled up in bed

I crawled in bed and put my arms tightly around her

Melissa P.O.V

I felt someone's arms around me and I opened my eyes and to my surprise it is Elvis

"hey"I said

he kissed my nose then my forehead multiple times I smiled

"sweet Melissa I'm sorry "he said and held me close to him I laid  my head on his chest

"it's okay E"I said

"hey we can try for another one"Elvis and then smirked

"guess that's the best part hu"I said.

we both fell asleep into each other arms

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