chapter 52

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Melissa P.O.V

I got dressed in a long sleeve short dress just above the knees it was pink and purple swirls  and did my hair in a half up half down style and teased the back the I did my make up with a little bit of eyeliner and sprayed my favorite Chanel perfume on

I took a step back and looked in the mirror and I did look good I walked down stairs and Elvis spotted me first he cleared his throat

"Mel-Melissa"Elvis said his eyes not leaving my body

"Yes "I said walking to him

"Uh um do you need anymore help?"he asked me

"Elvis I think you've done enough just go and relax "I tell him in the nicest way possible

"Okay "he says I think I made him jealous 

"Damn baby you look amazing!"Jack said then kissed me slowly

"Why thank you and so do you"I say he takes my hand

"So where is the little princess?"Jack asked me

"Playing with her little friends"I say

I spot Elvis checking on summer I smile at how caring he is to her

"Jackie where do you think your going?"I ask him as he tries to sneak away from me.

"Uh to check the oven "he says I shake my head and pull his arm outside

"You are meeting Elvis weather you like it or not Mr "I tell him he chuckles

Elvis P.O.V

"Elvis "I heard Melissa say taping on my shoulder

"Yea?"I asked she had a guy with here which I assume is jack

"This is my boyfriend Jack and Jack this is Elvis "she says

"Nice to meet you"I say as I shake his hand

"And you I love your music"he tells me

"Thank you Jack I appreciate it"I say

"I'll be back you guys talk"Melissa said as she went in side Leaving me and Jack alone it was awkward

"So how long will you be in town?"Jack asked me

"For about 2 weeks I have a show to do in Las Vegas"I tell him

"Really are you nervous? "he asked me sitting on a chair

"Some what I mean I sang In front of more people than that"I tell him as I shrug

"Well I wish you all the luck"he tells me

"Thank you Jack"I say

"Daddy"summer came up to me

"Yes baby? "I asked her

"I fell down "she said showing me her knee

"Oh baby come here let's get you cleaned up"I said picking her up

Melissa P.O.V

I was ordering pizza when Elvis came in holding summer

"She fell"he said setting her on the kitchen table

"My baby"I said and kissed her cheek I went to the kitchen table and looked for a band aid and I felt Elvis's eyes on me I smiled I knew he felt jealous of Jack and me

"Here we are"I say grabbing the band aids

"Thank you mama "summer said as I put the band aid on her knee

"Your welcome my brave girl"I tell her as she gets down and runs outside

"So Elvis how you been?"I ask him as I sit down outside

"I'm Okay I haven't been taking my pills lately so that's good"he tells me

"Elvis that's great!"I say he smiles

"I guess how have you been with Jack?"he asked me.

"Good things are getting serious "I tell him he looks worried

"Mama can we open presents now!"summer wined

"Not now baby we got to cut the cake"I tell her she jumps with joy

"Elvis can you help me in the kitchen? "I ask him

"Sure thing Melissa "he says as he gets up He opens the door for me I smile

"Can you grab the matches please and I'll get the cake"I tell him he nods and looks for the matches he finally finds them and I get the cake

"Can we talk?"Elvis said I sighed and sat down on the couch

"Melissa I haven't stopped loving you when I see you with another guy it hurts me Melissa it hurts so bad I can't sleep at night I can't think without you and summer in my life I need you two"he tells me my eyes start to Get teary

"Elvis we've talked about this when we were together summer really didn't even see you she needs a father in her life"I tell him as tears flow from my eyes

"Melissa please I need you guys"he tells me

"What about Jack? "I asked him he get close to me he brushes his lips against mine

"Don't pull away"he whispers to me

He kisses me long and slow as he kisses me I pull him more into me as our lips move he sticks his tongue in I accept it we make out for a long time we both come you for air he smiles at me

"Jack "I say as he walks in he looks really mad at me

"So your dumping me for Elvis "he says he walks out the front door slamming it

"What now? "I ask Elvis He grabs my hand

"Can you be mine again?"he ask me

I nod

"Yes Elvis I'll be your again!"I say happily he kisses me one more time

"This is the happiest day of my life!"He tells me

This day was the most special day of  my life

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