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153. Partings (Season 6,episode 22)

This is the mother of all ridiculous episodes. Lorelai gives Luke an ultimatum. If he doesn't agree to marry her right this very second,they're over. Never mind the fact that he waited patiently for her to be ready while things were messed up with Rory. Now that he wants to make things right with his daughter first, what does she do? She jumps into bed with Christopher. Even stupider, Christopher, the pathetic little weasel, actually lets her do it, knowing that she is,or at least was until 30 seconds ago, engaged to someone else. His undying love for her is really really pathetic and he should get a life and a new girlfriend and get over her. The town troubadour competition (I think) is supposed to be funny or entertaining or something, but we basically just end up having to listen to a bunch of really terrible singers for 45 minutes. At least the other troubadour was talented and rarely had plot points to himself since the whole point of the troubadour is to blend into the background and create ambiance. Here it just doesn't work. The only thing that's mildly entertaining is the going away party that Rory throws for Logan, but even that is tainted by Mitchum's ridiculous expectations and plans for Logan and by Rory's terrible British accent. In short,it's all just awful.

High points: Rory and Logan

Low points: Absolutely everything else

Best quote: "I keep trying to think of really fabulous things to say, but all I can think is say hi to William and Harry for me."-Rory

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