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149. That's What You Get, Folks for Making Whoopee (Season 7, episode 2)

Don't even get me started on the terrible title, that's beside the point. Lane comes back from her honeymoon pregnant with twins and playing host to a Mexican parasite, all of which lead her to believe that, after the huge build up she's given it, she hates sex, which is not the ending we might have wished for Lane. Lorelai turns their house into some kind of weird Asian wonderland to cheer Rory up after she finds out that Logan can't go to Asia like they'd planned. Rory finds out that Lorelai slept with Christopher and gets mad at her. For once, and once only, I actually agree with Rory. That was idiotic.

High points: This episode is awful, but I LOVED watching Luke punch Christopher in the face. It's made even funnier that you don't even know where he's going or what he's doing until Chris opens the door.

Low points: The rest of the episode is legitimately awful in every conceivable sense of the word.

Best quote: "I mean how would I pass the time until my one and only offspring, the fruit of my loins, loin fruit that she is, decided to get out of bed and grace me with her presence? But then I asked myself WWTBFCD and it came to me in a flash: I'm going to make waffles!"- Lorelai

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