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70. Back at the Saddle Again (Season 2, episode 18)

Richard is bored out of his mind with retirement, so he agrees to help Rory with her class project and then blows up at the headmaster when they lose, further proving in his own mind that he loves business and should not be retired. Dean, who has now fully cemented himself as the world's most jealous boyfriend, cries on Lorelai's porch and washes Rory's car. Michel's mom visits, and of course Lorelai accidentally gets involved, making things infinitely harder for Michel.

High points: It's good to see Richard happy and working again. And any plot that includes Michel front and center is a good one in my book.

Low points: Dean, though justified in his jealousy, is annoying at thispoint. He won't even talk to Rory about his insecurities about Jess,let alone break up with her. He needs some serious work in the communication and trust departments.

Best quote: "She doesn't have a baseball bat in her hands, does she?"- Brad

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