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22. Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller (Season 5, Episode 1)

In the wake of the Dean fiasco at the end of the last season, Emily whisks Rory away to Europe where we see the first glimpse of character development from Rory. She finally learns the gravity of the mistake she has made, and though she doesn't know how to rectify it, the mere fact that she's acknowledging the mistake is a step in the right direction. The most significant development in this episode though, is that Emily finally admits she is separated from Richard. Unlike many of the things that take place in this show, Emily and Richard's break up has been set up for quite some time. Going back to season 2 when Richard retired without consulting Emily, she has noticed a decline in the trust that Richard has placed in her. Though we were sad to see this particular development, it was oddly satisfying to see this finally happen after being built up for so long, and it made it all the more satisfying when they got back together!

High points: Luke and Lorelai finally getting together! Their phone conversation about the kiss is adorable. Taylor's shoes being eaten by Michel's dog, Kirk full of thorns and rambling about assassins.

Low points: That opening scene with Rory and Dean in bed is painful to watch. The relationship is wrong on so many levels, all their chemistry is nearly gone, and then Rory tries to suggest that The Candy Man be their song. Awkward, weird, and not at all romantic.

Best quote: "Then buy me a boa and drive me to Reno because I am open for business!"- Emily

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