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112. Face Off (Season 3,episode 15)

When you think of Rory, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Hockey?Me neither. But that's exactly where Rory decides to go when Jess doesn't call her back. I like Jess most of the time. And most of his stupidity can be written off because he's an idiot teenager, but in this episode, I find very little excuse for his behavior. Lane's fake boyfriend is super weird. And Rory almost seems jealous that Dean is moved on. Odd, considering the fact that she is still with the guy that she dumped Dean for, but I guess when every guy in the world is in love with you, it's hard to get over it when you realize that one has gotten off the hook. Emily finds out that Gran is kissing a man in a purple track suit and accidentally (on purpose) reveals this interesting bit of information to all of Gran's friends. It's nice to see the two have it out a little and give Emily a chance to explain her side of the story to her very demanding mother in law.

High points: I find it very difficult to watch any sport that's not college football or live baseball, but I'd watch any sport in the world if Kirk could be the commentator.

Low points: I'm sorry. I still can't get over this. Rory went to a hockey game? And for once, Rory is not the most immature person in the episode. For this episode, and this episode alone, that title belongs to Jess.

Best quote: "Kirk, just to let you know, some of the other guys, not me, you know, but some of the guys say they're going to rip your head off if you don't shut up."- Dean

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