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3. You Jump, I Jump Jack (Season 5, Episode 7)

You Jump, I Jump Jack may be my favorite episode. Any episode where Luke interacts with Lorelai's parents promises a certain level of hilarity, and this is no exception. With Emily's back-handed compliments and Richard's plans to franchise the diner, it's the perfect episode to prove that Luke does not fit into Emily and Richard's world, and that Lorelai has officially left their world as well. During the same episode, we get to see Rory go along on the Life and Death Brigade outing with Logan, showing that, unlike her mother, Rory actually could fit into Emily and Richard's world. It is the first time that the show explores the world of the rich as something other than stuck-up and old. It shows the side of Emily and Richard's world that actually appeals to Rory. It's fun and colorful and full of life. And it's a perfect example of the show's ability to mirror one plot with another seemingly unrelated one. Lorelai is further distancing herself from the life of luxury, while Rory is fitting in just fine.

High points: Seeing some depth from Logan's character, Emily's backhanded compliments, the very fun Life and Death Brigade gathering

Low points: Honestly, I can't think of any!

Best quote: "People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute. If you climb up here with me, that's one less minute you haven't lived."- Logan

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