1. asians are good at math(?)

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"Hm?" Jisoo replied, really focused on the math sum he was working on.

"Are you excited for the school trip to the zoo next week?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing, I just don't think I'll come. My mom wants to take me to the doctor that day because she apparently thinks I have a 'sleep disorder'" He said, finger quoting the sleep disorder. "I get insomnia at night but I love sleeping at daytime."

"Pfft! She ain't wrong though." Jisoo said laughing away.

It had hardly been 2 weeks since Jisoo transferred to their school. Jisoo and Jeonghan became instant friends. The fact that the two were seatmates and had many things in common must be the reason why they got close so fast.

Jisoo had commented on Jeonghan drooling while sleeping during class, which was really embarrassing for Jeonghan. It caused them to argue and it resulted in them landing out of the class as punishment. They have been inseparable since then.

"Hey! Tell me what should I do? I really wanna go~" Jeonghan said, snatching away Jisoo's notebook. They were chilling in the library after school trying to complete their math homework since the two thought doing it together would be faster. But it was just Jisoo who was working seriously.

"I'll talk to her if you want~ she won't turn down a request from this sweet Californian boy." Jisoo said winking at him. "Now gimme back my notebook."

"You will? Really? Well, she's stricter than you think though." Jeonghan said handing him back his notebook.

It was just Jeonghan who was sitting and playing with his pen while Jisoo sat there scribbling hard in his notebook. After 3 minutes or so, he stopped to stretch. "AHH WHY AM I SO BAD AT MATH??"

"Well you can't do anything about it." Jeonghan shrugged.

"You know what." Jisoo said, banging the table. "Back in America. Those guys used to think I was crazy good at math just because I was asian. I'm sick and tired of people trying to stereotype asians as being good at math. I used to act like I understood everything in math class even though I got nothing."

"Well, a majority of great mathematicians come from Asia. The Chinese people have been using abacus even before the modern calculators came to existence. Choi Seokjeong discovered the tortoise hexagonal problem. Also, without Aryabhatta, we would've never had the number 0." Jeonghan said fixing his messy hair.

"You don't really get me do you? Well then, name one person who's good at math here. All I ever met were losers."

"I'm good at math." Jeonghan said with overflowing self confidence.

"Oh really? Then what is 6879 minus 77 books?" Jisoo said giving him a superior look.

"A library!"

"You're an idiot."

"I know~ tell me something new!" Jeonghan said, grinning wide.

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