56. gladly

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"Jisoo wait- I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." Jeonghan called out to Jisoo as he ran after him.

"Do you ever think?" Jisoo stopped midway.

"I'm sorry....."

"I'm sorry doesn't work- do you even know why they all bully you calling you gay and shit while other gays don't-? That because you do this and that. Ughhh." Jisoo shouted.

"Jisoo, let's just talk this through. We're out in the open and you don't need to shout-" Jeonghan nervously said, noticing the students around glancing at them.

"You are clearly making fun of me and my feelings and I hate this oblivious part about you the most-"

"Jisoo- that wasn't my intention." Jeonghan said, pulling Jisoo into a corner and down to a stranded staircase.

"Then why did you kiss me?"

"Because I wanted to- your fucking lips have the perfect shape and they're just too kissable. Also, how dare you say I suck?"

"Because you do."

"Oh so have you kissed better kissers?"

"No!" Jisoo looked down. "Say, why do do this? you straight up go about rejecting me by friend-zoning me- you say you want our friendship to be pure yet you make me blow you. What do you even want? You refuse to let me kiss you but you do it anyhow whenever you're in the mood. This hurts you know? This." He said putting hand over his chest.

"Oh so here's where the lover's quarrel is going on?" A guy came out the blue, glancing at Jeonghan giving a weird look.

"Fuck-" Jeonghan muttered.

"So you really did make out in public just now? Glad I didn't see that-" He huffed, completely ignoring Jisoo. "You know? It's people like you who spread bad vibes in the school premises."

Jeonghan seemed to be shaking. Jisoo noticed that. He assumed he was the same guy who beat him up and whom Jeonghan feared the most.

"OH RIGHT? BUT I SURE KNOW THAT YOU ARE THE GAYEST PERSON IN THIS WHOLE DAMN SCHOOL WHO SERIOUSLY TOOK ME FOR A GIRL! You even tried kissing and forcing yourself on me- too bad I had a dick or else you would've harassed me. Funny how love interests don't matter once you find out their gender-" Jeonghan uncomfortably shifted away from him.

The guy seemed pissed and punched Jeonghan on the chest. Jisoo couldn't just bear to see something like that happening to his best friend. "Hey! How dare you hit jeonghan like that?" Jisoo jumped in between them, grabbing the guy's wrist.

"Hey! What's up with all this shouting? Class has already started you know-" They heard their PE teacher shout out.

Jeonghan muttered a thank god before he shouted for help. The guy clicked his tongue and went running after punching Jisoo in the face. Jisoo fell on the floor.

"Hey! You-" the PE teacher saw and started running after him as well leaving Jeonghan and Jisoo alone.

"Jisoo... Are you alright?" Jeonghan asked, concerned.

"It's nothing compared to how much you got beat up that day. Ahh- this single punch hurts so bad. How did you manage with all those hits?" Jisoo nervously laughed, holding his tears which were threatening to break through. But he needed to act strong in front of Jeonghan, or else he'd get worried.

"I'm sorry, Jisoo." Jeonghan said, sinking to the ground. He had started crying and Jisoo didn't know how to react, his own butt was hurting because of the fall. He leaned over to kiss jeonghan's forehead.

"Your mom once told me to pass this on to you-" Jisoo smiled.

"She did?" Jeonghan looked up in astonishment.

"Oh fuck- my mouth is bleeding." Jisoo said, realizing this trying to get up.

"Hey! I'll help you get to the infirmary." Jeonghan said, helping Jisoo stand.

"No... I just need to go to the nearest washroom and just wash my face." Jisoo said.


"Also my ass hurts please pet my butt-" Jisoo joked to which Jeonghan smiled.


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