19. 'homo'

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"Ohhh we're in the same class this year." Jisoo beamed, reaching to give Jeonghan a back hug, but Jeonghan stepped away. "Aren't you happy?" Jisoo pouted.

"Well?" Jeonghan shrugged and let out a half-dead 'yay!'

"You aren't acting like yourself. Anything bothering you?"

"Nah. Just- I'm just depressed I'd have to bear with you being in the same class as me this year." Jeonghan let out a fake sigh as he trailed off, fighting his smile. He was happy to have him in the same class. Really happy. But something else had been bothering him recently...

"Rude." Jisoo pouted.

"Hello Jisoo." A tall guy approached the two.

Jeonghan turned around to find Mingyu waving at them. "OH hi Mingyu." Jisoo answered.

"You know him?" Jeonghan asked Jisoo.

"Ohh Jeonghan, he's the guy I told you about who helped me get together with Wonwoo. I didn't know he was already friends with you." Mingyu replied.

Jeonghan turned to Jisoo, shocked. "Jisoo?"

"W-what?" Jisoo mumbled.

"You helped out a homo?" Jeonghan asked. "I'm proud of you." He grinned.

"Of course I did. It wasn't such a big deal. I'm not a homophobe, after all."

"I thought you were the son of God or something."

"What made you think that?"

"The day you got drunk off sprite."

Mingyu quietly slipped away while the two dorks got busy with their argument. Jeonghan and Jisoo made their way to their classroom discussing about what they ate the previous night. Someone bumped into Jeonghan and muttered an aggressive, "Homo" as he walked away.

Jisoo frowned. That guy clearly bumped into Jeonghan on purpose. He even had the guts to call him a homo. "Hey You!" Jisoo shouted.

Jeonghan immediately pulled him in a corner and told him to stop. Luckily, the guy didn't hear it.

"How in the world did he have the guts to call you a homo. Are you alright with this!?"

"It's nothing. People say that to me everytime I pass by because of my long hair. I'm used to it." Jeonghan grabbed Jisoo's shirt tightly, he had a really desperate expression on his face. "Please, don't you dare try to confront those people."

Jisoo wanted to just go and punch that guy in the face but seeing Jeonghan pleading like that made him a bit concerned.

"Please." Jeonghan repeated.

They both got seated in their class and went on with the day. Jisoo couldn't focus in class. The fight with Jeonghan and his mom that he had overheard back then kept replaying inside his head. To think people had the guts to call someone as pretty as Yoon Jeonghan, a faggot... That's unacceptable.

"Does he often get called such things?" Jisoo mumbled, glancing over at Jeonghan.

Jeonghan felt Jisoo's gaze and gave him his angel smile. Jisoo blushed.

They must be just jealous of his good looks. That must be it. He thought to himself.

The bell rang and Jeonghan was the first to head out. Jisoo followed him slowly, taking his time since he was a slow person. They hung out with Chan and his freinds for quite sometime. They all noticed it was getting late and bid their goodbyes with the youngers.

"How about we go to the arcade?" Seungcheol asked Jeonghan.

"Uhhhmm... I'm not that much into games. Maybe another day?" Jeonghan hesitantly replied.

"Then Shua, how about you?" He turned to Jisoo.

"Well, I think I can take out my time." Jisoo replied.

"No! Uh- I think I can also join you two. After all, I have never been there before... So maybe I might like it." Jeonghan nervously tried changing his previous statement.

Seungcheol laughed. "Be honest. You agreed just because Jisoo was coming didn't you?"

"N-not really..." Jeonghan stuttered.

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