32. Strip

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"Hey Jeonghan, I gotta go home early so I need to catch the bus. You can go home with Soonyoung and the others. 'Kkay bye." Jisoo shouted as he left, leaving Jeonghan alone.

Jeonghan sighed. "He's crazy. He did say his dad's coming to home today. That lucky guy. I wish I had a dad too." Jeonghan said to himself, as he packed up his bag ready to leave to meet Soonyoung, who must be busy taking about boobs with Seokmin.


"Dad! Are these chocolates for me!?" Jisoo beamed in excitement. "Fucking imported chocolates?" Jisoo definitely loved chocolates more than anything. After pizza, that is... but he just loved anything sweet that could melt inside his mouth leaving him feeling blessed.

"Ayy no cursing in my house." His dad said in a strict tone. "Seriously who taught you all that." He snickered.

"Probably his best friend, Yoon Jeonghan." His mom giggled. "You better share it with him. You'll get chubby if you eat all of it yourself."

Everyone laughed and talked, Jisoo was happy to be together with his family. To think Jeonghan never got a chance to be a part of a happy family, somehow made Jisoo sad. He could never imagine a world without his dad. He couldn't imagine a cold mom like his' either.

"Mom... can I go meet Jeonghan? He must be lonely at home. His mom's out for the weekend." Jisoo asked his mom, she was washing the dishes after they were done eating.

"Well... you can. Dad wants to rest after all."

"Awww thanks mom." Jisoo said planting a kiss on his mom's cheeks and then his dad's.

He would much rather spend his time with Jeonghan than his dad. He didn't know why... just being with Jeonghan seemed enough to him. He shoved a few candies into his pocket and ran upto his house. Jeonghan did say he liked chocolates now. Or was it... only just for Minhyuk?

It was around 7 already... pretty late... but Jeonghan wasn't home. That was so unlike him. Jisoo just planned to turn and leave when he noticed someone approach him from behind. It was Yoon Jeonghan.

"Jesus Christ! You scared the living shit out of me." Jisoo said, scared.

"Ha I'm sorry." Jeonghan giggled. "What are you doing here?"

"Just thought I'd see you." Jisoo shrugged.

Jeonghan took out his keys to open the door when Jisoo noticed something unusual. Jeonghan's right cheek was bruised. Jisoo grabbed him by the arm and asked. "What's up with your face?"

"Oww ouch! Gently."

"What the hell happened? Are you hurt or something?" Jisoo asked, pulling away his grip on Jeonghan's arm.

"It's nothing. Now tell me what are you here for." Jeonghan said, sternly.

"Is that a fucking bruise on your neck too?" Jisoo said pointing at his neck, with eyes wide. His shirt was loosely buttoned, even though he came to school well dressed in the morning... Jisoo grabbed jeonghan's wrist and took him upstairs.

"What the hell, Jisoo? What has gotten into you?" Jeonghan asked, gasping for air as they reached his room.

"Strip!" Jisoo ordered.

"W-what the actual fuck? Like hell I would!" Jeonghan threw his schoolbag on the bed, turning towards Jisoo. "What?"


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