5. Shhh!

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Jisoo and Jeonghan rushed to grab their last bench in the school classroom. It had become their permanent seat. "What? Only losers sit on the last desk." Jeonghan would say. "What?! Only the cool people sit at the very back". Jisoo would argue. "Welcome to the real world, Han." It was still kinda hard for Jeonghan to sink to that fact though.

"Hey!" Jeonghan whispered. "I have no idea what the teacher is trying to explain. You're good at English right? You better explain this shit to me later, I'll doze off for now."

"Hmmm?" Jisoo replied, not quite listening. "Hey! You cannot do this!!" Jisoo whisper-shouted, but Jeonghan was too thick-headed to listen.

Jeonghan woke up just in time for the last bell. He got up from under a pile of workbooks Joshua hid him in. Jisoo really cares for me. Jeonghan thought. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "We're having an English class test next week. The marks will count in on the years average." Jisoo said, in a way to make Jeonghan feel bad since he never once paid actual attention to any of his English classes.

"What!?" Jeonghan shouted.

"...and I'm definitely not gonna help you with that." Jisoo said, smiling.

"Are you for real?" Jeonghan said, grabbing his head, already feeling stressed.

"Since when did you care so much about your grades?" Jisoo said in a mocking way.

"My mom cares. A lot. And I'm scared of her."

"Nah. She's so nice."

"Oh please~"

"Actually, I can help you if you want." Jisoo said, Jeonghan's face lit up. "Follow me."

They made their way out of the classroom to the lecture room near the library. Jeonghan clearly wasn't happy to see that they were heading to the lecture room. "Why here?" Jeonghan asked as Jisoo entered and greeted the teacher.

"Extra classes." Jisoo smiled. "Vernon told me that his mother also teaches and gives English classes to the weak students or kids who want to learn more here at school."

"So that's Hansol's mom?" Jeonghan asked, pointing at the foreign looking lady. "You sure know more about this school than me even though it has hardly been 3 months since you came here."

"Yupp." Jisoo replied. "Hansol told me all about it."

"Yeah, he's a better friend after all." Jeonghan's eyes narrowed.

"Aww don't be jelly. Here, have a seat." Jisoo said, pointing at the last desk. "This is what you get for sleeping in the middle of class."

But sleeping in the middle of class is cool." Jeonghan said.

"Since when did you start coming in the category of cool?" Jisoo mockingly eyed him.

"Well, I definitely am best friends with a cool person, so that automatically makes me cool too."

"Oh so you admit I'm cool?"

"Shut up!"

Jisoo glanced around to see if there was anybody he knew. He spotted Hansol and his friends enter the classroom. He waved over at them and Hansol smiled, coming up to them. Jeonghan face palmed since he definitely did not like them. Except Chan. He was cute.

"Hello there." Seungkwan waved over at Jeonghan. "What brings you here? Let's sit together."

"Oh of course." Jisoo said. But the capacity of one desk was only 3 people. Chan hurled over to sit with the two since he spotted Soonyoung coming in. "Why is Soonyoung here?" Jisoo questioned.

"To take away my peace of course." Chan said, sitting down between Jisoo and Jeonghan. Soonyoung sat with Hansol and Seungkwan. He became friends with Seungkwan real fast. Hansol feared that they were soon going to make a meme duo with the name SoonBoo or something like that. (The future has no limits.)

Chan pulled out a bottle of flavoured milk from his bag to drink. Jeonghan just stared, "I'm a growing boy. I need to drink milk." Chan said, glancing over at Jeonghan.

"Haha cute." Jeonghan mumbled.

Just as they were getting into the course, Jeonghan felt like sleeping again. Since, it was a mixed class for all middle schoolers, of course there were things that Jeonghan already knew about. Not that well though. The slow paced classes were draining out all his energy and interest. Just then, he felt something wet in his pants. What?

He glanced over to see that Chan's milk was leaking out of his bag and was dripping down on the floor. Jeonghan poked Chan to let him know and he practically screamed. The milk he had was mango flavoured and it sure gave away a colour which seemed wrong. Chan tried to tear off a page from his notebook and wipe it off using his feet. It didn't work. Except, it made things harder.

"Hey! I've got an idea." Jeonghan said, opening up his water bottle and spilling water all over the floor.

"What are you doing hyung?" Chan whisper-shouted.

"I'm making it easier for the janitor, Dino-ah." Jeonghan said.

Jisoo was getting distracted by all the fuss and snapped. "Shhh! What in the world are you two trying to do?" He gave a really disgusted look when he looked down. The water had separated the milk from it's colour and looked really very wrong in so many ways.

"What are you kids doing over there?" The teacher shouted.

None of them had the guts to speak. Jisoo poked Chan with his pencil which caused him to moan. "Ahhh~" The kids started laughing over his cute moan.

"This guy just peed in here." Jisoo shouted, as a joke, of course. Since he said that in English, nobody got it except for Hansol and the teacher. The teacher scrunched her nose while Hansol was busy laughing his ass off, taking time to breath and explaining it to Seungkwan.


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