50. kiss me

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"You're mom's not home?" Jisoo asked, stepping into Jeonghan's room.

"Well, is she ever home?" Jeonghan scoffed.

"She must just be busy with work, at least try to understand her sentiments."

Jeonghan just shrugged it off flopping on his bed, burying his face into the sheets. "Gahhhh I'm so tired. We got a lot of homework. I just wanna sleep." He whined.

"Weren't we going to watch a movie?" Jisoo asked.

"Change of plans. You're gonna help me do my homework and vice versa." Jeonghan said, his voice coming out a bit muffled.

"Oh boy-" Jisoo facepalmed, well at least he's gonna do something productive instead of just staring at Jeonghan's lips all the fucking time-


...He was dead wrong. He did nothing but stare at Jeonghan's lips throughout the course of him trying to finish his homework.

"Jisoo?" Jeonghan chirped, turning to look at him. He was clearly distracted.


"Do you want to kiss me?"

"H-huh? W-why would I even? Kiss? You??? Why would I even want to do that?"

"Because you're Jeonghan-sexual, you said that yourself." Jeonghan smiled. "You've been staring at my lips since I don't know when- You can if you want, I won't mind."


"Right here." Jeonghan said, pointing at his right cheek.

"No I don't want to-"

"Do you think I'm giving you a choice?" Jeonghan said in a lower tone. "Kiss me."

"What the hell? I don't want to. You can't force me!"

"Just shut up and do it-" Jeonghan trailed as he reached for Jisoo's lips. "I'll do it instead."

"Waaahhhh wait- I'm not mentally prepared." Jisoo said, pushing Jeonghan away and cupping his own face with his hands, hyperventelating.

"You're so cute, Jisoo." Jeonghan smiled. Jisoo gave him the look.

"You're the one being weird right now."

Jeonghan pouted. "You're so bad Jisoo. It's unfair. You have like the perfect pair of lips which are just so kissable yet you aren't letting me kiss them." Jeonghan said, staring at Jisoo's lips. They had always been just so perfectly shaped, it was as if his lips were designed for the :3 face.

"Try me bitch." Jisoo scoffed, pushing Jeonghan away. "I'm going home."

"Hey! Weren't you gonna stay over?"

"I don't want to."

"Ughhh..." Jeonghan pouted.

"Jeonghan?" Jisoo asked leaning closer. "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" Jeonghan asked, giving Jisoo the most innocent look.

"Trying to flirt-"

"I am not-"

"You seriously take me as a fool don't you?" Jisoo shyly laughed, planting a kiss on Jeonghan's cheek.

"Wow Jisoo." Jeonghan nervously laughed. "Do you- by any chance- l-like me or something?"

Wow- wasn't that obvious?

"Didn't I say i was Jeonghan sexual? Sure I do." Jisoo said, biting his lower lip and dashing out of his room. As he made his way out of his house, he started giggling— Now that was close to a proper confession!

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