57. blow you

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Jisoo turned on the tap to wash up his face. He looked like a complete mess... Probably because he started crying non-stop midway. He felt a light slap on his butt and he tensed up.

"Is your butt alright now?" Jeonghan said, stroking his butt away.

"I told you to stop already." Jisoo huffed.

"Jisoo-ya" Jeonghan started, Jisoo turned to look at him. Their faces were inches apart, Jisoo didn't know why his heart was beating so fast. He got friendzoned by Jeonghan- adding to that, he just got played with his feelings. "Can I kiss you?" Jeonghan asked, staring dead into his lips. "Nobody's here- private enough for you?"


"Shhh. Nobody will notice if we-" Jeonghan pulled Jisoo to a corner and into the last empty bathroom stall and locked the door from inside.

"W-wait- we can't do this-"

"Oh come on- kissing doesn't hurt" Jeonghan reassured. "I mean- just let me..." Jeonghan said as he pressed his lips against Jisoo's and pulled him for a deep kiss.

"What? You just told me yesterday that you saw me as nothing more than best friend." Jisoo said, pushing Jeonghan away.

"But you know, I thought over it last night..." Jeonghan mumbled, pulling Jisoo in for a kiss again.

Jisoo didn't know what to feel. Jeonghan thought over his confession? Does he mean he is okay with them being more than friends? It was only a matter of time when Jisoo had started to look at jeonghan that way. It seemed so unreal yet Jeonghan is here now- kissing him like there's no tomorrow...

"I thought- I like doing this kind of stuff with you. It's fun. It isn't the same as when I kiss or blow other people." Jeonghan said, pulling away to breath. How was he saying it like kissing and blowing people was like an everyday job for him?

"Y-you mean- you're okay with us being boyfr-" Jisoo nervously asked, but Jeonghan put a hand over his mouth, cutting him off.

"We can still do this even as best friends-" He whispered, rubbing his hand over Jisoo's crouch.

"Hey- this is so not pure!" Jisoo shouted, pushing him away. Jeonghan was basically contradicting his own statement from yesterday. "I knew it. All you're doing is toying with my feelings. I don't feel nice about this so just- stop!"

"Jisoo- Tell me then! How am I supposed to get you off my mind? You're the only person I think about day in, day out, everyday, everywhere. Your sweet lips are so kissable. I'd be lying if I said I never wanted to kiss you all over your neck and down till your toes. The truth is that- I never imagined us being more than just best friends. What if gets weird and awkward for us both?" Jeonghan said, with eyes tearing up. He leaned his head on Jisoo's shoulders to hide his embarrassing face.

"Jeonghan- I'm sorry... Nobody's forcing you to take a decision. You can take it slow and just t-think through it. T-think through about... u-us..." Jisoo mumbled patting Jeonghan's head.

"No! I thought through it- I want to blow you... again."

"What?" Jisoo took quite a while to interpret what Jeonghan just blurted out. "I mean- s-sure go on! I mean what the h-heck?!!!???"

"Is that a yes or a no?" Jeonghan giggled at Jisoo's adorable reaction.

"Do w-whatever you want?" Jisoo muttered, embarrassed, immediately feeling his pants getting unzipped by Jeonghan.

"Do you dream about me doing this stuff to you?" Jeonghan teased as he put the whole thing inside his mouth.

"Honestly speaking- y-yeah..." Jisoo shuddered.

"W-wow!" Jeonghan pulled away, amused. He sighed, then started laughing. "This is all you had to do... Be honest with me- haha you should've told me earlier. I too, dream about doing this kind of stuff to you."

"Y-you do?" Jisoo looked down in surprise.

"Jisoo. Wanna stay over tonight?" Jeonghan asked.

"Uhmmm... No. Can't it be the other way round? My mom already wanted to have you over for dinner tonight so-"

"Ah fuck- you know we cannot do this stuff with your mom at home." Jeonghan said making a clicking sound with his tongue.

"What stuff?"

"Stuff." Jeonghan said, looking at Jisoo in astonishment. "Seriously you're so boring."

"What? Wait- WHAT!?!!!"

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