8. Sunday morning.

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"Sunday morning rain is falling..." Jisoo sang as he strummed the strings of his guitar.

Jeonghan woke up the sweet melody and rubbed his eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's 11 in the morning already." Jisoo said.

"Oh shit. I need to go back home."

"You can wait. It's raining right now."

Jeonghan glanced over to the window and it indeed was raining.

"Sunday morning rain is falling—" Jisoo continued... Jeonghan threw a pillow at his face.

"You've been singing that song since time immemorial. How come you're not tired yet?" Jeonghan said.

"I thought I should stop. But it indeed is a Sunday morning, and it's raining. Perfect scenario to sing this song." Jisoo strummed the strings of his guitar again.


"Yes?" Jisoo replied.

"You know what date it is today?" Jeonghan smiles to himself.

"Hm? Fourth of October?"




"I don't know what you're trying to say Jeonghan. Get to the point already."

"An angel was born today." Jeonghan smiled again.

"Who?" Jisoo asked looking at him.

"A cheonsa was born today. 1004."

"And who is that 1004?"

"Goddammit Jisoo. It's my birthday." Jeonghan pouted.


"Don't ohhhhh me. At least you can wish me? Way to go remembering your best friend's birthday. I hate you."

"Hey! You never told me anything about your birthday." Jisoo said, running up to Jeonghan.

Jeonghan buried his face into the blanket. "I did tell you when I told you why I call myself an angel."

"Jeonghan? Are you crying?" Jisoo said trying to get a proper look at his face. "Look. I'm sorry. I didn't remember. You know I have short-term-memory-loss."

"No you don't!" Jeonghan mumbled.

"Okay I'm sorry. Happy Birthday~" Jisoo wished with his sweet voice. "Hey! Are you mad at me?" Jisoo asked, sounding really concerned. He hugged Jeonghan from behind.

"No." Jeonghan giggled. "I was just kidding."

"Asshole. Oh wait— let me sing you a birthday song! An acoustic birthday song."

Jisoo went on to pick his guitar and proceeded to sing him a sweet birthday song. When he was done he caught Jeonghan crying.

"Jeonghan? You're crying?"

"No I'm not." Joenghan said wiping away his tears.

"No. You clearly are." Jisoo said getting closer. "Look at yourself."

"Leave me alone!" Jeonghan said, pushing Jisoo away. Jeonghan never had anyone sing him a special birthday song like that.

"Well... okay?" Jisoo pouted.

Jeonghan couldn't help it. Jisoo looked like an actaul angel whenever he pouted. Absolutely adorable. His lips had that little something which made them really special. The ends of his lips turned upwards whenever he smiled. His smile literally brings the :3 face to life. Soonyoung would say.

"When's the party by the way?" Jisoo looked at him, grinning wide.

"I don't celebrate my birthday."

"Aww why? Then you want something for your birthday?"

"No. Your silly birthday song was enough for me." Jeonghan smiled.

"Well, saves me the trouble." Jisoo smiled back. "Do you want to listen more?"

Jeonghan heavily nodded like a little kid and grinned wide. Jisoo smiled back and got up to pick up his guitar again. Jisoo couldn't help but smile everytime he is around Jeonghan.

"You make my face hurt." says Jisoo.


"Because you make me smile a lot."

To Jeonghan, his birthday was like just any other day. He felt special this time for some reason. He felt happy. It wasn't the kind of happiness one gets by just anything. It was different. Really different.

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