7. You don't?

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"I don't have a dad..."

Jisoo froze. "Oh, I'm sorry... did he pass away?" He mentally facepalmed himself for asking such sensitive questions.

"Nah. I said I don't have a dad, at all. I never had one."

"How the hell is that possible? Are you adopted?"


"Then explain how you were born then."

"Jisoo. Grow up. I thought you were smart enough. My mother never married anyone."

"No. I get it... Kinda...?"

"You don't." Jeonghan said. "Idiot."

Jisoo felt sorry for Jeonghan.

"Don't you dare pity me." Jeonghan said.

"Nobody likes being pitied. I won't."

Jisoo really did feel bad for Jeonghan. He did say he won't pity him, but he couldn't help it. He pulled Jeonghan into a tight hug and lightly patted his back. "It must've been hard on you."

"Not at all. I don't think it makes a difference." Jeonghan said pushing him away.

Jeonghan lied down on Jisoo's bed and just stared at ceiling.

"Tomorrow's a Sunday." He closed his eyes.

"So what?"

"It's 4th of October." Jeonghan mumbled as he dozed off. Jisoo, not quite getting what Jeonghan had just said carefully put a blanket over him and lied down beside him.

Jisoo didn't quite get it. The thing Jeonghan got but Jisoo didn't. Not at all. Grow up Jisoo! He said to himself. I'm supposed to be the more mature one. When will I ever understand this grown-up stuff?

"Is he older than me?" Jisoo said to himself, jolting up. "Hey Jeonghan? You awake?"

Jeonghan gave no reply.

"What happened to your insomnia? Seriously this guy pisses me off." Jisoo mumbled.

Jisoo pulled Jeonghan close to him and threw his hand over his waist deciding on a comfortable position and fell asleep himself.

"Idiot." Jeonghan mumbled, trying to free himself from Jisoo's arms but he failed miserably. Jisoo semi-consciously(?) entangled his legs even more with Jeonghan's. Jeonghan couldn't help but just inhale the sweetness of his scent and lie down perfectly still so as not to wake the other boy up.

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