30. It hurts

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"J-Jeonghan?" Jisoo questioned with wide eyes, in front of their classroom. "What did you do to yourself?"

"I just got a slight haircut..." Jeonghan said, fiddling with his hair which were cut down now upto his neck. "Does it look weird?"

"Not really. You're still pretty."

"Don't— Don't call me pretty."


"I don't like it hearing that from you."

"Now I cant even give you compliments?" Jisoo asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

Jeonghan just rubbed his forehead and went up to place his schoolbag on his desk. He was surprisingly quiet throughout the class. He wasn't being his usual self.

"Oh come on." Jisoo groaned as the bell for recess started ringing. "At least talk to me. Tell me why you've been acting so gloomy since this morning?"

Jeonghan didn't say anything.

"Did you get into a fight with your mom or something?"

"Sort of."

"I knew it. You know, that lady needs to fix the ways she treats you." Jisoo said, huffing. "Lets go meet up with Hansol."

"Jisoo? Why are always after that dork? Do you have feelings for Hansol or something?" Jeonghan asked, giggling.

"What was that for? Not at all... besides, he already likes Seungkwan." Jisoo said.

"He couldn't. Isn't Seungkwan his best friend? One cannot just fall for his best buddie even if he's gay." Jeonghan said wide wide eyes.

"What do you mean?" Jisoo felt his chest hurt.

"Would'nt it be like sooo gross?" Jeonghan said, lightly laughing.

Was it funny for him?

"Falling for your best friend is like so gross and weird. Just— like think about it! It's hilarious. I mean- I might be bi, but I'd never even dream of being together with you." Jeonghan giggled.

"But— didn't you make a bet that day that if I turn out to be gay by the end of this year, you'd make me suck your dick. Now isn't that-"

Jeonghan laughed. "I was just joking that day, mistah Cherry boy. I know you're straight. Besides, I really wanna do the fire noodle challenge just for fun and games, ya know."

"Yeahhh hahaha." Jisoo laughed along.

Just then, Jisoo noticed Jeonghan waving at someone. "Yah! I got your chocolate." He shouted and took out a chocolate bar from his pocket, throwing it over at him. The guy caughtit. Jisoo turned to see who it was, Minhyuk. The same guy who texted Jeonghan that day.

"Thanks babe."


"Chocolate for him... not for me...?" Jisoo pouted.

"Ohh I kinda lost a bet with him the other day, so... I had to get him something." Jeonghan laughed.

"I see." Jisoo nodded. "How do you even know him?"

"He was in the same class as me in 9th grade. Though, we just recently started talking." Jeonghan smiled.

That smile pissed Jisoo off for some reason. To think Jeonghan was smiling for someone that is not him, made Jisoo uncomfortable. The guy Minhyuk was hot. Jisoo admits, but he definitely didn't seem like the right guy.

"Lets go Jeonghannie." Jisoo said, as he gestured him to follow him to the school cafeteria. They ate together. While they were eating, Minhyuk came up to them with his group of friends and offered Jeonghan some of the chocolate. Jeonghan refused as Jisoo suspected, since he didn't like chocolate. They talked about stuff for quite a while and when they were about to leave, Minhyuk persuaded Jeonghan to grab a piece of chocolate again, Jeonghan just sighed and took it, swallowing it afterwards.

"Didn't you say you hated chocolate?" Jisoo eyed him.

"I like chocolate now." Jeonghan blandly replied, shrugging.

"But— but?"

"Shhh" Jeonghan hushed him off. "Listen here." He gestured Jisoo to move closer.

Jisoo did.

"That guy can be my potential boyfriend." Jeonghan whispered into his ear.

Jisoo froze. "What— you mean- that guy? Minhyuk?"

Jeonghan confidently nodded.

"What? No offence but- you have low standards. Is he that guy you like?"

"Well... kinda?" Jeonghan shrugged.

"Kinda? Are you kidding me? I'm better than him!" Jisoo said.

"Hoho. Look who's jealous." Jeonghan smirked.

"I am not." Jisoo huffed.

As Jeonghan was busy giving Jisoo the looks, he felt something hit his head. He jolted up to see what it was. Somebody had thrown a foil ball at him. Who could he have been...? It none other than Choi Seungchoel and Jeon Wonwoo.

"Boy, I thought Wonwoo was at least a serious kid. What is this? An elementary school or something?" Jisoo said, giving them the judging looks as the two ran up to them to apologise.

"You two haven't been eating with us recently." Seungcheol said.

"Well, I need my quality time with my best friend." Jeonghan raised his head. He and Seungcheol have always been like a victim and a bully. Jeonghan would never leave any chance to embarrass him. Its always amusing to watch.

"Best friend. When you two stick like boyfriends haha." Cheol laughed.

"Ewwww." Jeonghan scrunched his nose. "Why in the world would I date my best friend?"

You don't have to say it like that Yoon Jeonghan.

It... it hurts.

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