42. It's not funny

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"Jeonghan?" He heard Jisoo gasp.

Jeonghan froze. "O-oh hi Jisoo... what brings you here?"

"God fucking dammit, now a being cannot even use the washroom in peace. What are you doing here? Your clothes are all messed up- I told you not to dress up in a half assed way in the mornings- l-look at your tie." Jisoo moved closer, fixing Jeonghan's tie. Jeonghan could only watch Jisoo as he carefully fixed it. Why was Jisoo always so nice to him? Yet he ignores him for no real reason.

"I don't... get you..." Jeonghan said, as tears formed in his eyes. "At one point... you act nice with me... the next day you tell me not to talk to you... then ignore me like I don't even exist and n-now... you're being nice again." Jeonghan sobbed. "I don't get you. I can't even hate you."

"Woahhh Jeonghan. What's the matter?" Jisoo asked, confused. He advanced his hand to pat Jeonghan's head.

"Why were you ignoring me? Is that supposed to some sort of a game? Don't test me. It's not funny anymore. It never was." Jeonghan said, pushing Jisoo away as he tried walking off.

Jisoo grabbed him by the wrist causing Jeonghan to hault. "Jeonghan... did something happen?"

"I'm sure you won't even care so I don't want to waste my precious time explaining."

"Okay damn. IF YOU'RE GONNA BE SUCH AN ASS ABOUT JUST LET THAT BE." Jisoo shouted, surprising Jeonghan. He stamped his way out leaving Jeonghan speechless. It wasn't quite like Jisoo to be shouting and raising his voice like that.


Jisoo took his seat on the first desk in class far away from Jeonghan's. Jeonghan came in after a while and glanced over at Jisoo. Jisoo didn't even bother to look back. "Asshole." Jeonghan mumbled as he walked towards his desk. He was thirsty. He took out his water bottle to drink water. Just then, Mingyu called him out. Mingyu wasn't one of those who'd bully or ignore him for the rumours that had been going around. He knew Jeonghan wasn't that kind of a person, Jeonghan was- just curious about his sexuality... that's all. Mingyu respected that.

Jeonghan walked towards him, tripping on someone's leg on the way. He fell on his nose and the water bottle in his hand fell and spillled all the water on the floor. Jeonghan knew someone had blocked his way on purpose.

Jisoo was the first one to go help him get up. Jeonghan's nose hurt, and was probably also bleeding because of the fall. The teacher came in and gasped seeing all the water on the floor. "What is this?" She asked.

Jeonghan covered his messed up face with his hand and apologised. He wanted to cry.

The janitor of their floor wasn't on duty that day. So the teacher told Jeonghan to get something form the janitor's closet to clean up the mess. Jisoo tried stopping him since he was hurt but Jeonghan obediently went out of the class. The kids in his class laughed.

Jisoo asked for permission from the teacher to help him out but the kids behind him said it was a bad idea. The teacher agreed, seeing the desperate look in Jisoo's eyes.

"Why're you helping that faggot?" Someone shouted. Jisoo didn't care.

Jisoo ran down the hallway looking for Jeonghan he saw him near the storage room beside the janitor's closet, rubbing his nose. He must've hit the ground hard.

"What's up?" Jisoo slapped Jeonghan's butt, trying to cheer him up. "Why's she even making you do this? This is clearly child labour."

"I'm not a child anymore. You know that Jisoo." Jeonghan smiled to himself. He thought Jisoo was seriously mad at him.

" sorry for shouting on you earlier." Jisoo apologised.

"N-no there's no need. You were being so nice yet I was being an ass about it. It's my fault." Jeonghan said.

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."



"No-" just then, Jisoo felt someone push him from behind. He fell face first into the empty space in the closet with Jeonghan. The closet door closed from outside, he heard a noise which indicated someone had locked it from outside.

Jeonghan didn't quite get what was going on at first but soon came to the realisation that they got locked inside by those bullies.

"Those salty people. Why do they even hate you that much?" Jisoo said, banging the door from inside, hoping someone would help. The bell for the first class rung and there left no hope for them. "Let's just wait until the someone comes." Jisoo said, finally giving up.

"I'm sorry I dragged you with me." Jeonghan said.

"What are you talking about?"

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