12. Junhui

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Jisoo walked over to Jeonghan's house early in the morning. Well, not exactly early in the morning. Around 10 a.m. (pretty early for Jeonghan though)

As he got to the gate, he saw an unfamiliar guy coming out of the house. The guy noticed Jisoo and waved at him. Jisoo waved back, confused. Had they met before?

"Enjoying your Sunday there?" The boy asked, coming up to him.

"Do I know you?" Jisoo asked.

"Oh I'm Wen Junhui. Jeonghan's friend. He told me a lot about you." Jun said.

"He did? Wow. Hi, nice to meet you." Jisoo enthusiastically replied.

"Well then, I'm in a hurry. Bye~" Jun said as he strolled off to the next house which was supposedly his.

Jisoo rang the doorbell but nobody answered. Jisoo just got in thinking that maybe his mother was out or still asleep. He ran up the stairs and to Jeonghan's room. He got inside without knocking, startling Jeonghan. 

"Learn to knock!" Jeonghan threw a pillow at Jisoo. He looked pretty tired. 

Jisoo went over to his window and opened the curtains, allowing the sunlight to enter the dark room. 

"Ughhh! I hate this." Jeonghan mumbled as he covered himself in his blanket.

"you're no vampire. C'mon get up!" Jisoo said, pulling away his blanket.

"Why are you even here this early in the morning?" Jeonghan asked.

"No real reason. Just felt like meeting up with my best buddy." Jisoo smiled. "So? That guy Jun slept over with you last night. I just met him on my way when I was coming to see you. He looks like a nice guy, but not nicer than me, you should've called me."

"Wow. Everyone is 'nice' in your eyes. To be honest, he's the weirdest guy I've ever met." Jeonghan jokingly giggled.

"Don't you dare talk behind people's backs. Remember. Jesus is watching."

Jeonghan laughed. "I watched a movie with him last night. I stayed up late and I'm therefore feeling really sleepy. So, can you please- just- go?"

"No!" Jisoo said, sitting on his bed. "Which movie did you two watch anyway?"

"That's none of your business."

"Ohh~ was it porn by any chance?" Jisoo smirked.

"Front cover. It's a Chinese movie."

"Ohh interesting. What's it about?" 

"None. Of. Your. Business." 

"Oh so was it porn?" 


"EXCUSE ME WAHT!??? YOU NEED HOLY WATER! I RAN OUT OF IT. WHAT THE HELL JEONGHAN? I THOUGHT YOU WERE INNOCENT. WHO DID DIS TO YOU? WHAT HAPPENED??" Jisoo snapped. "It's all because of that jerk's influence. Lemme get things straight with him."

"No. Jisoo, I was just kidding." Jeonghan said, holding back his laughter. He rarely sees Jisoo like that since he's usually the calm kind of guy. "Now! Go!!"

Jeonghan kicked Jisoo out of his room. It's not like he'd ever tell Jisoo that he watched a gay movie with Jun, especially when he called them disgusting. Jeonghan sighed and went back to take a nap. It hadn't even been 10 minutes since Jisoo had left and he got a phone call from him. Jeonghan groaned and picked up his phone. He had gotten one of his own by now. His mom felt the need to get him one since she's usually not home. 

Jeonghan sleepily pressed the answer button. "Hello?"

"Jeonghan? Is that Junhui guy gay by any chance?"

Shoot. Jeonghan cursed. He must've been aware that Jisoo is way smarter than he looks.

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