14. A threesome?

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"Joshuji~ I called you here to talk to me. You're not even paying attention to what I have to say." Jeonghan groaned. Jisoo was busy swiping away on his phone.

"Oh? Since when did you have to tell me something?" Jisoo said, averting his gaze from his phone screen.

"Just listen."

"I'm have been doing nothing but listening to your tantrums all these months. Go on. I'm listening."

"Ughhh." Jeonghan groaned again. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped. Jisoo was running out of his patience.

"Look. If you have nothing to say, I'll pack up and leave."

"No wait—" Jeonghan gasped.

Just as he was about to continue what he had to say, the doorbell rung. "Oh let me check." Jeonghan stood up.

"No. I'll go." Jisoo said pushing Jeonghan away and running for the door. Not like it was his house. It may be any random guest for Jeonghan's mum. But Jisoo had this sinking feeling that it was Jun. He was right.

"Oh hello there." Jun waved at Jisoo.

"Oh Jun, what brings you here?" Jeonghan said coming downstairs.

"Ah Jeonghannie I wanted to tell you something."

What's up with people wanting to tell each other something or the other?

"What is it?" Jisoo eyed him.

"Jisoo!" Jeonghan shouted.


"Oh are you gonna stay over with Jeonghan today?" Jun asked Jisoo. Jisoo lightly nodded.

"But you're not welcome." Jisoo bluntly stated.

"Jisoo!" Jeonghan shouted again, clearly pissed.

"Aww come on. We can have a threesome together." Jun playfully wrapped his right arm around Jisoo.

"Jeonghan?" Jisoo looked over at Jeonghan. "Mind explaining?"

"I told ya he was weird." Jeonghan nervously laughed. "It's a great idea actually. You two can become friends."

Jisoo groaned. Having to deal with the two was like hell to him. They were sitting and watching a movie together, which Jisoo had watched thrice already, Twilight. The three of them were having fun. Jun and Jeonghan were constantly whispering to each other something and it was making Jisoo pissed. Not like he was jealous. He wanted to leave and just go. He felt like a third wheeler.

Jisoo sighed and crawled over to Jeonghan's bed and lied down. "I'm gonna go to sleep. You two are free to do whatever you want." He said as he dozed off.

He woke up again to the sensation of Jun's arms around him. He sighed and tried to free himself. He tapped sleeping Jeonghan on the shoulder. "Psst. You awake?"

Jeonghan almost immediately jolted straight up which startled Jisoo. "Yes- what?"

"Oh so you were right about your insomnia." Jisoo sais, amused.

"What do you want?"


"That's what you get for not eating when someone offers food." Jeonghan said, getting off the bed. His bed wasn't big at all. The three of them were cramped together on it which got really suffocating. "Follow me."

Jisoo followed. Jeonghan quietly led him to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"You want anything to drink?"

Jisoo nodded.


Jisoo shook his head.





"Just choose something." Jeonghan said taking out some cold sandwiches and microwaving them.


"Okay." Jeonghan said as he prepared him a plate of sandwiches and got him a glass of water. "Now tell me why you were sulking so much after Jun came. You don't like him?"

"It's not like that." Jisoo said, eating his stuff.

"Don't worry. He already has someone he likes."

"Really?" Jisoo's face lit up. It was dark, but Jeonghan could see the happiness in his face.

"Why do you look so happy? Were you perhaps... jealous?" Jeonghan tugged him.

"Of course I was."

Jeonghan gasped.

"As your best friend of course."

Jeonghan sighed.

"So? What did you want to tell me by the way?" Jisoo asked. "Before Junhui came."

"Ah." Jeonghan smiled. Jisoo had never seen Jeonghan smile like that before.

"Stop giving me that creepy smile. Spit it out."

"I think I have a girl I like..."

Jisoo's stomach dropped. "Aww so you weren't gay?"

Jeonghan hit him on the shoulder. "What was that for? Of course not."

"Haha just kidding. So? Who's the lucky girl?" Jisoo asked. Surprisingly, his tone didn't had that usual cheerfulness. It almost seemed as if he wanted to sound supportive but failed miserably. Jeonghan didn't notice, he must've been too blinded by love.

"she's a classmate of mine. I forgot her name."

"You forgot the name of your own crush?" Jisoo gave him a surprised look.

"Oh shut up. She's like- super pretty. Like-really pretty."

"I bet she isn't prettier than you though." Jisoo commented.


"Nevermind. Go on." Jisoo gestured him to continue.

"And uh that's it." Jeonghan shrugged. Jisoo just nodded. "You know what? You should at least show a nice reaction."

"Well... Congrats?" Jisoo said, taking a sip from his glass of water.

"You know what I hate you." Jeonghan said banging the table.

"I hate you more." Jisoo smiled.

"Eat up." Jeonghan frowned. "Don't make much noise. It'd wake up my mom. I'll be going then." He said as he strolled off.

Jisoo hated himself for the lack of reaction he gave to Jeonghan's words. He wasn't being himself. He was aware.


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