31. Hoe

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"Sayonara motherfuckers!" Wonwoo shouted out of nowhere and started jumping and celebrating like a madman. Video games can really change some people.

"What the hell Wonu, you have evolved into a full on weeb now." Jisoo said, giving him the judging looks.

"I can't help it. I just beat the final boss of this game, after the 79th try."

"Congrats." Jeonghan smiled.

Mingyu coughed. "Congratulations."

They four friends, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Jeonghan and Joshua decided to eat together during recess in order to know each other well. Wonwoo wasn't really all that into it, he was busy with his phone playing some game... that Jisoo hoped was not candy crush.

"Jeonghan, we got good news!" Soonyoung came and banged the cafeteria table, placing an open magazine on it. He was with Jihoon. Jihoon was intimidated by Mingyu's height. To think someone can be so tall that he looks taller than Jihoon even when he's sitting. "You're ranked number 4th in this school's hoe category.

"What?" Jeonghan gave him a questioning look and grabbed the magazine. It read:

Top 5 male hoes of Pledis High
1. Kim Heechul....

"Hey! But didn't he pass out this year?" Jeonghan asked.

"Hush! Keep reading." Soonyoung ordered.

Top 5 male hoes of Pledis High
1. Kim Heechul
2. Jackson Wang
3. Lee Minhyuk
4. Yoon Jeonghan
5. Kim Jungwoo

"Excuse me- but- why? H-how?" Jeonghan asked, with his eyes wide.

"Hmphh that's what you get for flirting around." Jisoo snickered.

"But I don't flirt." Jeonghan said, jolting up.

"Ahh?" Wonwoo raised his eyebrow.

"Like- I mayyyybe recently but-"

"Nope. You have this kink of grabbing everyone's butts since middle school. Yo." Jisoo laughed.

"That's not flirting. Also! What can I do if people come after me. I can't help it that I'm popular." Jeonghan said, trying to flip his short hair. Too bad, they weren't as long anymore.

"What's this magazine even about?" Jisoo asked, snatching it away from Jeonghan's hand.

"It's from this school's editor club."

"Aghh too bad I know nothing about clubs, I never joined one ever since I came to high school." Jisoo said.

"Isn't that club filled with good for nothing girls who have nothing more interesting to do than to chat and eat." Mingyu said, munching on a cheese sandwich.

"Ayy don't say that. I'm the leader of that club."

"You what?" Mingyu choked.

"Jisoo! You're here too. Turn to page no.11. You're ranked 1st in the church boy category."

"Church boy—" Jeonghan burst out laughing.

"Hey! Don't laugh." Jisoo pouted, still wondering how he ended up in that list.

"You're more of satan's boy, Jisoo. Church boys are supposed to pure while you are the absolute definition of impure. You curse, you watch porn, you also mumble shit like 'fuck me Yoon Jeonghan till my face falls off' in your sleep—" jeonghan paused.

The entire table went silent. Soonyoung wanted to say something but Jihoon stepped on his foot to shut him up. Jisoo didn't know how to react to this. Did he really sleep talk that day?

"Jisoo? You said something like that? I thought you two were just-" wonwoo paused after he saw Jisoo looking so worried.

"I- uhh- I need go go use the washroom." Jisoo said as he ran away.

Jeonghan followed him.

Jisoo rushed into on of the stalls but jeonghan didn't let him close the stall door, but instead, came inside with him, locking the door from inside. "You sure run fast sometimes." Jisoo joked.

"Look Jisoo..." Jeonghan started, grabbing Jisoo's shoulders.

"Now you won't even let me take a shit in peace?" Jisoo eyed him.

"N-no uhh.. I mean- I thought you—"

"Look! It was just a bad dream okay. I can explain. I asked Vernon, he said it was no big deal. The shit that happened that night was just playing with my head. It doesn't mean anything. Nothing. Right? I definitely didn't dream about fucking my best friend." Jisoo trailed as he started sobbing.

"What the fuck? Why are you crying?" Jeonghan asked.

"It doesn't mean anything right? I was just out of my mind. I didn't realised I said stuff out aloud. It really doesn't mean anything. It means nothing. I'm straight. You know that. I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable."

Jeonghan patted his head. "It means nothing, Jisoo. You must be just horny." He said as he started giggling. "After all... shit happens all the time. I can never imagine fucking my best friend either, that'd be so not cool. That'd suck. Haha"

"Why would it suck? Do you hate me that much?"

"That'd just be a bad idea. I mean— its just that, having you as a best friend is enough for me. I don't want to ruin anything. I cannot even think of it. That'd be funny actually... Plus, you're straight." Jeonghan let out a soft laugh as he strated fiddling with Jisoo's hair.

"How are you so sure that I'm straight? I don't even have a crush on a girl yet."

"Oh so you admit you're gay? Remember, you'd have to suck my dick if you are." Jeonghan whispered into his ear.

"Gross!" Jisoo said pushing him away. "Y-you can go now actually. I really need to take a shit right now."

"O-ohh I'm so s-sorry. I'll leave." Jeonghan said dashing out, face flushed. "I'll wait for you in for you outside our classroom so hurry up."

Jisoo sighed and came out after a while. He didn't really needed to take a shit. He just wanted some time to himslef. He glanced over at two guys whom he didn't really know gossiping in a corner. The prettier guy was fixing his hair in front of the mirror while the other other was whispering something into his ear.

"Did they hear anything?" Jisoo wondered.

"Kim Jungwoo. Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Did that guy just come out of the same stall as Jisoo?" Doyoung whispered.

"Who the hell is Jisoo?" Jungwoo replied.

"The guy in front of you! He's Mingyu's friend."

"Ahhh Mingyu... What about Mingyu's friend?"

"You weren't really listening were you?" Doyoung gave him a judging look.

"Look, I'm too pretty to be paying attention to your shit." Jungwoo said turning towards him, giving him a slight wink.

"Nope. I guess they didn't..."

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