20. bestfriend

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The three fooled around together until dusk. It had gotten really late and dark. Seungcheol got a call from his mom and left early.

"Awwks but we were just getting to the fun part." Jeonghan groaned.

"You have been doing nothing but cheat over here." Jisoo argued.

"You're just jealous that I'm winning." Jeonghan teased.

Jisoo snorted.

They walked around the city taking in the evening air. Jeonghan showed him around places Jisoo had never been before. Jisoo had quite a lot of fun. They both decided to walk over towards the bus stop to catch the last bus for the day. They were too late. "What time is it anyway?"

"10:12" Jisoo said, looking at his phone.

"Funny thing, your mom didn't call to check on you." Jeonghan laughed.

Jisoo's eyes grew wide. "32 missed calls... I didn't notice my phone was on silent."

"Call her! She must've been worried sick."

"I'd tell her that I'm staying over at your house today. I don't want her to know I was out all this while."

"But there's school tomorrow."

"Lend me your uniform."


"You actually agreed?" Jisoo eyed him.

"Anything for my bestfriend." Jeonghan smiled.

"I suppose you know the way to your house from here?" Jisoo asked.


"Are you serious?" Jisoo could actually imagine the newspaper next morning with a news of two missing boys.

"Nah it won't go that far." Jeonghan reassured.

"Can you read my mind?" Jisoo looked at Jeonghan, shocked. "I didn't even say anything."

"Your expression said it all. Now call your mom and tell her you're safe. Asshole." Jeonghan said.

Jisoo called his mom and her voice blasted through the other end almost deafening his ears. Jeonghan couldn't help but overhear everything.

"She seemed super mad." Jeonghan laughed, giving him a light pat in his shoulder.

"I told her I was hanging out with and would stay over at your house for tonight."

"She agreed?"

"No. But for sure I don't wanna go home unless her anger calms down."

"You don't have any hope." Jeonghan mocked him, leading the way.

"I had fun today." Jisoo smiled, as they walked around in the city of Seoul. Even though it was late, there were still a many people roaming around, just lost in their own world. The city lights looked really aesthetically pleasing to Jisoo. As busy the city was during the day time, it was equally alive in the night.

"I'm happy you had fun." Jeonghan said. It had been a while since the last time he explored the city with someone. It was usually just himself. His uncle used to take him out for walks everyday, but he just stopped coming after a while. Jeonghan became lonlier and lonlier.

"Well." Jisoo breathed in. "After all, happiness is just a long walk with your best friend. Right?" He smiled at him.

"Yeahh. With your best friend." Jeonghan smiled back at him.

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