62. nothing changed

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"you're crazy!" Jisoo shouted. "That is not how you mix the batter-"

"Shut the fuck up! I'm trying..." Jeonghan pushed Jisoo back.

Jisoo sighed. "I can't believe you called me over just because you wanted help from me to bake a birthday cake for your mom... And you aren't even listening.."

"Hey-!" Jeonghan pouted. "At least I'm trying."

Jisoo hummed in response. "I thought, now that we're dating, we'd do the usual couple stuff like going on dates and stuff- you don't even know where you're gonna take me this Saturday." Jisoo huffed.

"Well, I didn't plan this stuff okay. We can go watch a movie?"

"Boring~" Jisoo groaned, flopping onto the couch nearby.

"I don't have experience in this stuff. I've never been on a date before." Jeonghan mumbled. "Besides, what does dating even mean? How is it any different?"

"Of course it's different!"

"How?" Jeonghan raised an eyebrow.

"How can you be so dense, Jeonghan?"

"What do you even want from me?"

"Nothing." Jisoo groaned again.


"Here." Jeonghan said, placing a plate with a slice of freshly baked cake(though it didn't seem like it) in front of Jisoo. "Taste it."

Jisoo got up to take a bite. Jisoo expected it to taste quite decent, not judging from the looks but it actually tasted quite bad. Instead of saying it to Jeonghan's face, he tried being calm about it and asked if he read the recipe correctly.

"Jesus Christ! You don't bake a cake in a microwave for fuck's sake."

"I don't have an oven. I had no choice." Jeonghan casually shrugged.

"Then at least you could've referred to a recipe that included the use of a microwave?" Jisoo facepalmed. "Leave it to me. Make way for chef Jisoo~" Jisoo announced, making way.

"Wow Jisoo you're good at this." Jeonghan commented on Jisoo acting all professional mixing the batter. "Where'd you learn that?"

"My mom taught me this." Jisoo said.

"Hmmm you're such boyfriend material." Jeonghan smiled and Jisoo blushed. "Your future wife sure must be lucky."

Jisoo gave him the look. "Not when my future wife will be you, Jeonghan."

Jeonghan's expression got sadder for some reason. "See the reality, Jisoo. It may seem ideal to everyone for now. But a man can't marry another man."


"Not when your parents are Catholics." Jeonghan continued.

"I'm sure they'd be understanding about it..." Jisoo reassured.

"I hope..." Jeonghan replied, gaining a bit more courage. "So uhmm well- let's not discuss about this anymore okay? Boyfriend." Jeonghan said, cringing at his last words.

"You're the one who started, idiot." Jisoo smiled, planting a kiss on Jeonghan's cheek.

"Why not on the lips?" Jeonghan pouted.

"Later." Jisoo winked.


"Eat up." Jisoo grinned, feeding a slice cut out of his cake. "Does it taste good?"

"It tastes wonderful!" Jeonghan chewed. "It's final. I'll be using this as my mom's birthday cake tomorrow. You're so talented Jisoo."

"My pleasure." Jisoo smiled.

"Really though. What can you not do?" Jeonghan asked.

"I can't do basic math?" Jisoo giggled.

"Awww everyone sucks at math. Nobody likes it." Jeonghan patted Jisoo's back. "You must be tired. Coming here straight after school. Would you like to take a shower?"

"Yes." Jisoo smiled.

"Well then, you can keep your schoolbag in my room. I'll return after cleaning up the mess we've created."

"Ay ay captain!" Jisoo smiled, as he ran up the stairs to jeonghan's room.

Nothing seems to have changed... How is this supposed to be any different than what we had? Jeonghan wondered.

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