3. School trip

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"Is that a lizard? A literal lizard 2 feet long!??" Jeonghan exclaimed, astonished.

"Woahhh you're right! They may as well call it a dinosaur" Jisoo joined him. Soonyoung giggled at their childishness and told them how they should look at real animals since they were still stuck at the reptiles section.

"Lame~" Soonyoung commented as he walked away.

No one knows why the lizard caught the eye of those two dorks but their childishness got the best of them and they just stood there admiring it. As time passed by, Jisoo noticed that they were separated from their grade. All they could see were some younger middle schoolers from their school walking around.

"Oh damn! I think we're lost." Jeonghan said.

"No we're not. These kids are also our schoolmates." Jisoo reassured.

"We're gonna get scolded real bad by the teacher." Jeonghan said, scared.

"C'mon. Don't be an ass. Move along. We'll find them in no time~" Jisoo said grabbing Jeonghan's hand and leading the way.

"Hey you! Everything isn't as easy as in you think it is. This is Korea."

"Shut up!"

"Vernon hyung look! An actual lizard 2 feet big!" A nerdy boy shouted which caught Jisoo and Jeonghan by surprise.

"Chan! I'm sorry to say this but I think we just lost Seungkwannie." Another boy said. He looked different. Judging from the name the other boy called out, Jisoo concluded that he must've been a foreigner.

"WHAT!?" The other boy frowned. "That's what he gets for sassing around. He ruins everything for us. Let him be."

"Hey! Do you guys need help?" Jisoo asked, not really sure why. Jeonghan immediately hit him for talking to strangers.

"No uhh, yes actually. We lost our friend." The boy named Vernon nervously replied.

" Our friend? No. Your friend." Chan snapped.

"Shut up, Chan!" Vernon snapped.

"Actually uhh we're also lost. So we can help out. We have nothing better to do anyway." Jisoo replied, forgetting the word for better. Jeonghan was tugging his shirt begging him to leave.

"Huh?" Chan gave a questioning look.

"He's saying that that they have nothing better to do. It's simple English." Vernon explained.

"Uh oh I'm sorry I'm not that good with Korean." Jisoo said scratching his head.

"Why is that so?" Vernon asked.

"I spent my entire childhood in USA. I just recently moved to Korea." Jisoo explained.

"Oh my gosh!" Vernon practically screamed. "Wow! My mom's also from America. Where in USA are you from? No wonder your Korean had an accent to it. I was born in New York. Are you mixed like me? Nice to meet you. I'm Hansol. You can call me Vernon." Vernon said. Excited.

"I'm from LA. Los Angeles. I was born there but both my parents are Korean. I'm Jisoo but you can call me Joshua." It actually felt really nice to have someone Jisoo can interact with in English. The other two lads, Jeonghan and Chan, just stood there looking at the two talking about random stuff in a language which seemed alien to them.

"So? Uhh which grade are you two in?" Chan asked.

"I'm in 8th grade." Jeonghan replied.

"Ah! So you're my hyung. Nice to meet to you hyung, my name is Chan!" Chan cheerfully introduced himself.

Jeonghan was touched to have someone call him hyung. He felt superior all of a sudden. The boy looked really young and sweet. He almost wanted to make him his own property.

"Call me mom." Jeonghan accidentally blurted out but regretted it right after.

The boy frowned. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it right after. Jisoo on the other hand heard it too and was silently laughing in the background. "Your childishness just woke up the mother inside him." He said, laughing. "There are people out there with daddy kinks and he's out here asking you to call him mom I cannot-" Jisoo wheezed.

"Nevermind! Let us look for your friend if you two are done talking in your own language." Jeonghan said grabbing Jisoo's arm.

"I got this." Hansol said, leading the way. "Come here Boo Seungkwan!" He shouted. Which caught the other three by surprise.

After a few minutes of walking around, he shouted again. "We'll feed you to the crocodiles if you don't come out at the count of 10."

"This is pointless." Chan sighed.

"BOO SEUNGKWAN! Show us your low quality English." Hansol shouted again.

A voice from not so far away came. "Low quality? I'M THE BEST QUALITY!!!" A cute guy with chubby cheeks was coming running up towards them. He was holding two glasses of what looked like orange juice.

"Where'd you run off to?" Vernon shouted.

"The people over there were giving out juice. I drank a bit and thought I should bring some for you two as well." The boy shrugged handing Vernon and Chan their glasses not quite getting the reason behind Hansol's concerned expression. "And oh please. Don't you dare call my English low quality again." He said putting one hand on his hips and waving the other like the sassy diva he was.

"Wow!" Jisoo commented. "You've got an interesting friend."

"Yup. His name's DivaBoo. You can call him Seungkwan." Hansol giggled.

"Who are these two?" Seungkwan asked, eyeing them.

"Hush! They're your hyungs. Show some respect." Chan said.

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