4. You!

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"Hey! Where did you two run off to?" Soonyoung came running.

Soonyoung was this adorable boy, who loved to joke around. He was friends with Jihoon, a short intimidating boy. Complete opposites. One may say, at first glance. But opposites attract. Jihoon was the boy Jeonghan met in his vocal classes which are usually held after school. They didn't became friends until Jisoo made his first move. He's a friendly guy. Jeonghan envies that.

By then, Hansol, Chan, Seungkwan and the two were in their own world hanging out by themselves, on a bench nearby, eating ice cream which they bought from a nearby stall. "Suppp Soonyoung! What brings you here?" Jisoo said.

"Excuse me!? We're here wasting our precious time looking for you two. And you, AND YOU—" Soonyoung said, panting. His small eyes went wide looking at the two hanging out with juniors. That's shameful!

"Oh! We're sorry. We lost you all and just happened to find these interesting kids. C'mon join us." Jeonghan said with his angel smile, giving him his ice cream.

Soonyoung wasn't the serious one. He forgot all about everything else and joined in BECAUSE ICE CREAM! He glanced at the mixed looking guy and felt the need to introduce himself in English. "Hi! My name is Soonyoung. Call me Soon."

"You sound like you're flirting." Jisoo muttered.

"You!" Chan shouted, pausing to wipe his face with his sleeves because Jeonghan had put ice cream all over his face. "Soonyoung!"

"Honorifics" Hansol mumbled.

"Soonyoung hyung." Chan corrected himself, giving that same deadly glare to him.

"Oh my god! Is that you? Diiino~" Soonyoung said grabbing Chan's cheeks.

"Huh?" Hansol gave them a questioning look.

"Ah I never mentioned. H-he uhh t-this guy has been my neighbor since I was in kindergarten. And uhh D-Dino is my what my dad calls me out of affection." Chan said, embarrassed.

"Awww at least introduce me properly." Soonyoung said, rubbing his cheek against Chan's. He tried pecking Chan's cheeks but failed miserably.

"Ohhhhkay?" Seungkwan eyed them. "You never told us about your nickname. Some friend you are."

"Aww you two are such babies." Jeonghan said.

"I am not a baby!" Chan snapped, getting Soonyoung off him.

"Dino? Who's baby are you?" Jeonghan smirked. Dino's expression changed to that of pure disgust. Jisoo laughed, lightly hitting Jeonghan on the shoulder.

The kids fooled around together for quite some time. Nobody cared that they had gotten separated from their grade. "I really think we should head back now." Said Seungkwan munching on a packet of chips.

"Yeah~ you're right actually." Jeonghan said licking a popsicle. He did hate chocolate, but he had this unconditional love for ice cream for some reason.

"Jeonghan, how many are you gonna eat?" Jisoo said, eyeing Jeonghan's ice cream.

"Want some?" Jeonghan said, advancing his popsicle towards Jisoo's face gesturing him to lick it. Jisoo wasn't in the mood, and also that licking the same popsicle Jeonghan had licked would clearly be an indirect kiss. Not that it matters. But that's gay. Jisoo mumbled a silent 'no homo tho' and licked it.

"Ohhh~ we just shared an indirect kiss." Jeonghan said, amused. Jisoo internally face palmed himself, he didn't want Jeonghan to actually mention it. "Hah! Not like it matters. So... How was it?" Jeonghan smirked.

"Ah I-I don't actually care sharing an indirect kiss with you. Y-you're not the only one I've shared an indirect kiss with. After all! It's quite normal for m—" Jisoo said, flustered.

"Woah woahhh~ I was asking about the ice cream, not about the indirect kiss." Jeonghan bursted out laughing. Jisoo was embarrassed.

While Jeonghan was busy laughing his ass off, somebody or something snatched away his ice cream. "Hey you—!" Jeonghan shouted. He looked around just to see a monkey on the tree above him enjoying his precious popsicle. "Whaaat? Why— h-how? wHY THE HELL IS THAT GODDAMN MONKEY LURKING AROUND FREELY LIKE THAT!? WHERE IS THE STAFF!? Oh just let them get here. I'm gonna sue them!" Jeonghan snapped.

"Don't worry Jeonghan-ah, shit like this always happens. Get over it." Jisoo said, trying his best to hold back his laughter. Hansol, Soonyoung, Chan and Seungkwan started laughing hard. Jisoo too couldn't hold back for long.

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