16. Idiot

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Jisoo wanted to bury himself in a hole and just disappear never to return. He noticed the fact that it was getting darker so he decided to walk home. On his way, he thought of stopping by Jeonghan's house.

"Why am I always supposed to be how you want me to be!?"

Jisoo heard someone shout. It was Jeonghan.

"I don't like this. I don't like you."

Jisoo stopped in his track.

"I don't like these long hair of mine. Yet you ask me to get them longer. They call me a faggot. Do you like this? You don't even care about me. You leave every night. You know how lonely I get? Who'd call you a mom?"

Jisoo heard the front door open and then slam shut. He saw Jeonghan's mother come out, taking out her car keys from her purse. She seemed like she was heading out. It was nothing new. Jisoo walked closer, not really knowing why. He knew, he shouldn't say anything unnecessary but he couldn't let her get away with how desperate she made Jeonghan sound. He wanted to raise his voice. But couldn't.

"Oh hello Jisoo. Are you here to meet Jeonghan? Don't worry about him. You should head home now. It's getting late." She said, as she drove off.

Jisoo couldn't say anything. He felt like checking up on Jeonghan, even though it felt like it wasn't the right thing to do at the moment. The door was open, he got inside.

He saw Jeonghan standing beside the dining table. Jeonghan picked a glass of water and threw it to the ground, causing it to break.

That was surprising for Jisoo. Jeonghan wasn't the kind of guy to throw things when he's mad. But Jisoo has never seen him mad in the first place.

Jeonghan noticed Jisoo's presence. Jisoo wanted to say something, but Jeonghan cut him off. "Those who say smashing and breaking things doesn't make you feel better, haven't smashed or broken enough."

"So... do you feel better now?"

"Yes. A lot. Your face just made my day a lot better."


"How much did you hear?" Jeonghan asked.

"That doesn't matter."

"You're right. It doesn't matter." Jeonghan said as he walked towards Jisoo wrapping his arms around Jisoo, not really realizing why. But at that moment, he wished to cry and Jisoo's shoulders seemed to be the perfect place. Jisoo hugged him back, his embrace seemed comfortable... familiar...

He didn't cry. He didn't feel like it was a very cool thing. Especially, he didn't want Jisoo to see him being a mess. He blinked away his tears and gestured Jisoo to follow him up to his room. Jisoo did.

"Ya gonna sleep over. No excuses!" Jeonghan said.

"But there's school tomorrow. My mom won't approve."

"Then negotiate?" Jeonghan said. "Hurry! Go and bring your change of clothes and other stuff. I'm giving you 15 minutes... and the time starts now!"


"Your 1 minute 28 seconds late." Jeonghan said staring at the clock.

"I couldn't help it. My mom wasn't letting me go."

"She did in the end though." Jeonghan smiled. "So? You wanna shower first?"

"Nah. I'm the kind of person who showers in the mornings, you know that."



"Go! Now!"


"Because you're stupid!"

"That isn't even a proper reason."

"You're stupid."

"I get that everyday. I know."

"You're the walking-talking embodiment of stupid."

"I get it now. Can you stop?"

"Ughhhhh IDIOT!!"

"What has gotten into you?"

"Just— Gooo!" Jeonghan said as he pushed him into the bathroom.

He himself didn't realise what he was even trying to do...

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