46. Suck my dick

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[this chapter contains teeny tiny smut *ahem-]

"Or would you rather suck my dick-?"

Jeonghan's voice echoed inside Jisoo's head. Was he joking? Or... What if he was being serious? It was probably a joke... but if not...

—why the hell was Jisoo even going head over heels for his best friend? He never thought of him like that before- not until recently...

Jisoo finally snapped out of his gay fantasies and groaned "Go home Jeonghan you're just being horny!" He said as he pushed Jeonghan out of the room.

"I'm serious though..." Jeonghan mumbled.

"For real? I'd fucking gauge your eyes out if you turn out to be just teasing me..." Jisoo said, staring at the floor, not quite ready to believe the reality of the moment.

"Yes. I'm serious." Jeonghan said with a straight face turning towards him and locking the door behind him. Jisoo stepped back, flustered. "Why're you getting all shy? I'm sure there's no dignity left inside of me with that picture of my dick circulating around school. You must've seen it too-"

"I didn't see it." Jisoo mumbled. "I didn't see it! Hansol tried showing it to me by shoving that pic on his phone infront of my face this recess but I refused, it was too private for you and me. Besides, I-"

"They said it was small..." Jeonghan mumbled, looking down. "They said, it was small..." Hadn't a dick always been a man's pride and everything, to have Jeonghan's being called small was really humiliating and just- bad.

Jisoo took a deep breath. "Show me." Jisoo said.

Jeonghan looked up.

"It can't be that small... if you're really sad about it then it means it isn't according to you. Prove it to me." Jisoo said, who seemed to be staring directly into Jeonghan's soul. Jeonghan stepped back a little. "Why are you shying away now?"

"I- uhhh" Jeonghan stammered. "D-don't l-laugh oh.. o-okay?" He said as he unzipped his pants. "Where's your bed?" He said as he advanced towards his bed, seating himself on the edge as he spread his legs.

Oh damn...

"That's nowhere close to small." Jisoo mused as he kneeled in front of Jeonghan. He just stared for quite sometime. Woahhh... isn't it quite like- people just relentlessly try to make you feel bad about your everything just because they're jealous.

"Don't s-stare..." Jeonghan mumbled, embarrassed.

Who the hell goes horny over seeing another man's dick?

"C-can I touch it?" Jisoo asked, not quite getting what he wanted to say. His heart was beating incredibly fast. Fatser than it usually did in front of Jeonghan. This was different. It seemed to good to be real.

"Woahhh, weren't you the one who said you'd be kneeling on the ground sucking my dick if only you were gay?" Jeonghan giggled.

"I did but- it's harder in reality." Jisoo said, slowly advancing his hand to touch it.

"Just do it already..." Jeonghan sighed. Jisoo getting shy like that was not an everyday view.

Jisoo did. He touched it. It felt too real, it wasn't supposed to be a dream- it couldn't be a dream. He'd turn the world upside down of it was. The sensation was kinda warm and also kinda hard-soft, somewhere in the middle.

"Are you just gonna stare at my half-hard dick or start rubbing it already?" Jeonghan asked, amused over how whipped Jisoo looked.

Things were progressing too quickly.

What are you, Yoon Jeonghan?

"How am I supposed to do this?" Jisoo asked, rubbing it like a confused little kid.

"Have you ever tried touching yourself? Just treat it like you treat your own horny dick."

"I'm not that desperate, I don't touch myself."

Well... maybe he does- on some horny days.

"What about your boner form this morning, did you not touch yourself afterwards in the washroom?"

"I didn't. Feeling yourself up at school premises is really very unholy. I just allowed it to calm down on its own."

"Awww you'd get blue balls if you do that-"


"No! They won't actually turn blue. It's a condition." Jeonghan scoffed. Jisoo was so stupid. "And you call yourself a real man? You don't masturbate?"

"I mean- I do touch myself sometimes ."

"Who do you think of when doing that?"

"I don't know." Jisoo shrugged. He knew he'd think of Jeonghan even if he did not wish to anyway.

"Aww come on-"

"Shut up! I'm trying to focus here." Jisoo said, shivering. Slowly heading to lick the base.

It was his first time sucking the D. What do you expect?

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