2. Chocolate

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"Gahhh your mom's fun" Jisoo said stretching out his hands and letting out a deep sigh. He was nervous that Jeonghan's mom would really turn out to be as strict as Jeonghan told him she was. She was actually really sweet. And pretty. Just like Jeonghan. He was walking along the footpath with Jeonghan. The sun was setting, which gave a creamy color to the sky.

"Ha! It was the first time I saw her laugh though." Jeonghan said poking Jisoo. "You seriously stuttered so much when talking to her. You even forgot the word for zoo. Are you kidding me? Don't take this by heart but you should really stop switching between English and Korean. Not everyone knows English."

"What can I even do? I never studied Korean." Jisoo said, admiring the sunset. "All the Korean I know is only through listening. I still can't read or write it."

"You may as well call yourself 'illeterate'" Jeonghan chuckled. "Lemme act it out." He said running and blocking Jisoo's path causing him to stop.

"I mean, you know- the place where they trap innocent animals and cage them and you go to just like- watch them?"

"Oh my gosh! You mean the 'zoo'?"


"Stop it! It's not funny." Jisoo said. He looked down and pulled out a chocolate bar from his pocket. "She's really nice though. She gave me a chocolate bar."

"Hmm? I hope she acts that nice with me. I'm sure if it were possible, she would've kicked me out of the house and taken you in. Don't act so manner-ful in front of my mom. She'd start giving me examples of you." Jeonghan scoffed.

"Awww Jeonghannie is jealous~ Don't worry. We can share this chocolate." Jisoo said, patting his back

"Nah no need. I don't like chocolate."

"You don't?" Jisoo asked, astonished.

"Well, I don't like it. It's just too sweet and uhh it's just... ehhh?"

"wHat Do yOu mEAN itS just ehh? You're being disrespectful." Jisoo said, quite shocked to find out that Jeonghan didn't like chocolate. Who doesn't? Never in his life did he imagine that he'd find someone like that.

"Why do you care?" Jeonghan scoffed.

"You're my best friend!"

"Huh? Since when? We hardly met 2 weeks ago."

"Yes. You are as of today!" Jisoo grinned. He broke a piece from the chocolate bar for Jeonghan. "Say ahhhh~"

"Like hell I would-" before he even got to finish what he wanted to say, Jisoo put the chocolate piece into Jeonghan's mouth.

"Sweet isn't it?" Jisoo said. "Just like me!"

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