44. friend zone

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Wait a second-

Did Jisoo just say he was gay for Jeonghan? Was that supposed to be some sort of a confession?

"So... You're saying you're bisexual..." Jeonghan asked.

"I'm Jeonghan-sexual." Jisoo nervously trailed as he immediately started regretting all the shit he had been muttering.

Jeonghan didn't get it- was that supposed to be a confession? It was pretty shitty though, it can't be. Love confessions are more like- they include cheesy words like I love you or I can't live without you. It can't be. Moreover, Jeonghan didn't see it coming. He loved Jisoo more than anything but that love was nowhere close to romantic, the thing is that- Jeonghan never even dreamt of seeing Jisoo that way. But wasn't Jisoo straight in Jeonghan's eyes just like an hour ago. Also, he was his best friend- who even likes their own best friend? That's like- so gross- and just- ewwwww.

"hahaha! I guessed it. You're a precious friend to me too. It'd be a problem if our friendship gets ruined. Right?" Jisoo nervously laughed. He kicked the closet door from inside multiple times hoping it'd open and he'd just go and jump off a cliff or dig up a grave for himself where he can just disappear never to return again. "Why is this... fucking... door- not opening!?" He fidgeted as he looked around for something he could choke himself with.

"Jisoo? You okay?"

What do you expect Yoon Jeonghan?

"Jeonghan... Once we're out- let's not talk anymore."


There was an awkward silence for quite a while. Jeonghan was genuinely concerned about Jisoo and his uhh- problem down there.

Just then, Jeonghan heard the closet door creak open and light along with fresh air entered the cramped space. The janitor freaked out and let out a very manly scream. "Gosh! I thought it was another one of those clichéd ghost in my closet scenarios." He sighed when he saw it was just the two other of them. "Who locked you in here?"

Boy. Like that wasn't obvious already. And that was well- one of the many reasons why Jeonghan hated the janitor.

Jisoo didn't even bother to thank him and he ran as fast as he could to the washroom to take care of his problem.

Wow. Just- wow. Jeonghan would let random dudes kiss him, make them his potential boyfriends, but not Jisoo. Why? Because he was his fucking best friend...

Jisoo knew it wasn't going to be as simple as 'you're gay, I'm gay, let's hook up' kinda scenarios...

...but it actually hurt.

Getting friend-zoned that is...

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