22. Now that's gay

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Jisoo waited at the gate to Jeonghan's house. He let out a deep sigh and inhaled the freshness of the air.

It was weird. Really weird for Jeonghannie to act like that... It just felt super weird to Jisoo. There's no way Jeonghan would actually flirt with him. But calling him shit like 'honey' all of a sudden?

Jisoo felt his cheeks burn. Would he have really kissed Jeonghan if he said he was actually flirting? He bit his lips and ran his fingers over them.

I wonder what kissing him would feel like...

Now that's gay.

He heard a voice from his inner conscious speak to him. He immediately shook his head to brush off the thought.


Jeonghan finally mustered up the courage and ran up to his house. He saw Jisoo leaning against the front gate.

"I'm sorry. It was a dare from soonyoung because I wasn't able to return his 100 won from 2 months ago." Jeonghan stated, all in just one breath. "If in any way I made you feel uncomfortable. Please forgive me." He bowed as he reflected on the bullshit he had said. The scene of Jihoon and Soonyoung convincing him to do such a thing replayed inside his head.

"I can't help it I'm broke." Jeonghan had said.

"Not like I'm a money mined person or anything~ I'll let this go but... I've got just the thing you could do and I'll forget all about the debt. Now's the time you show 'em that you're a real man..." Soonyoung smirked.

"Excuse me but WHAT?"

It's his fault for accepting stupid dares in the first place. Not like he wanted to try it out himself... But he didn't had to go as far as to asking Jisoo to kiss him. That wasn't what he had originally planned. At the moment, all he wanted to do was to just go and run to Jun. Hopefully, that boy would talk some sense into Jeonghan. Plus, would Soonyoung even believe him? He should've said that in front of everyone as proof. But that would just get things more embarrassing.

"Ah I kinda thought that must've been the case anyway." Jisoo nervously replied, fiddling with his fingers.

Great! Now I've got him all self-conscious around me. Jeonghan cursed under his breath.

Jeonghan took out the house keys from his pocket and gestured Jisoo to follow him. Jisoo checked his phone, it was almost midnight. Cool.

Jeonghan told Jisoo to sit while he gets him something to eat.

Jisoo flopped down on the bed and stretched. He wasn't feeling that sleepy from all the walking. He was just... Tired. He saw Jeonghan's laptop lying at a corner of his bed. Jisoo decided to peek inside. Who knew he saved porn videos on it? Curiosity got the best of him.

What else can you expect from a guy who's mom leaves him unmonitored every night? Jisoo thought. "Poor boy. He's gonna get exposed tonight." He mumbled as he started giggling uncontrollably.

He looked over his browsing history.

'Tips to take care of long hair'

Jisoo snickered. "He's already a living shampoo ad, why does he need tips?"

He continued to scroll.

'The French revolution'



Jeonghan comes in with 2 packets of potato chips and a bottle of coke with two disposable cups in hand. He struggled to open the door with his feet and close it after, but managed somehow.

"Jeonghan?" Jisoo called out to him, gaining the older's attention.


"Are you gay?"

"W-what makes you say that?" Jeonghan felt his stomach drop. He dropped his stuff and dashed towards Jisoo snatching away the laptop.

"It's just that- you don't have any pictures of girls or any porn videos on there." Jisoo shrugged. "While any normal high school guy would."

Jeonghan sighed. "Oh like you do? Imma tell your mom all about it."

"Hey~"  Jisoo smirked. "You know what?"

"What?" Jeonghan looked at Jisoo with a curious expression.

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