36. fuck you

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"You know what? Strawberry isn't even a berry..." Soonyoung said, going through a picture book about fruits, trying to learn some English. Jisoo wasn't there to help him. Nobody knew where Jisoo was actually. That made Jeonghan pissed.

"That's the lamest thing you've ever said." Jeonghan scoffed.

"What is even up with you?" Jihoon asked. "You seem a bit bummed out."

"It's nothing." Jeonghan said getting up from the cafeteria table, heading towards the restroom.

"Hey kid." Someone said. Jeonghan didn't realize that the person was talking to him until he turned around to look. "Are you gay or nah?"

The fuck is up with his accent? Jeonghan thought. He looked older, was probably a senior. "Uhhhm... why do you wanna know?"

"Well" he shrugged. "Just wanted someone to hook up with tonight."

"Excuse me?"

"You're quite famous."

"For what? Excuse me mister, but those are just rumours. I'm not that kind of a person. Besides, I'm underage. Don't look at me like I'm some sort of a plaything." Jeonghan snapped, annoyed.

"By the way. I'm Jackson. Here's my number. You can ring me up anytime." He said, winking as he handed him a piece of paper and walked away.

"Who does he think he is?" Jeonghan muttered, crumbling that piece of paper. "Am I some sort of a fuckboy or something? It's not my fault I'm so pretty." He mumbled, cupping his face with his hands.

"Ewww you're so full of yourself." A familiar voice said, which most probably belonged to Minhyuk. He jumped out of nowhere in front of Jeonghan shaking the daylights out of him.

"God. You scared me." Jeonghan gasped.

"Why do you look so bummed out?" He asked, leaning on the wall.

"It's nothing." Jeonghan mumbled. "I'm fine."

"You can talk to me. I have nothing better to do anyway."

"I told you I'm fine." Jeonghan snapped. "Please just go."

"W-wait- are you crying?" Minhyuk asked, worried.

Jeonghan immediately blinked off his tears. "I'm not."

"Who are you even fooling? Go on, you can cry. I won't ask you to man up or make fun of you, everyone needs to cry."

Jeonghan finally allowed the tears which were threatening to break down any moment to pour down. He cried, in the corner of the hallway. Minhyuk just watched, feeling bad because he was unable to do anything. "T-they think I'm a s-slut. They call me a faggot, they call me gay."

"Are you not gay?" Minhyuk raised his eyebrow.

"I am. Bisexual to be precise... b-but I don't want people to be judging me because of that fact. It-it hurts. Why can't a person just live peacefully without being judged for everything? It's all because of that asshole. I swear I'd—"

"Wait who? You mean the guy who embarrassed you in front of everyone yesterday? That guy is quite popular. And bruhhh did you really kiss his girlfriend? You sure have some guts." He giggled.

"I'm telling you. She kissed me. J-just leave me alone." Jeonghan said, burying his face into his hands.

"Okay. You sound hella irritated. Who knows you might slap the very next person you face?" Minhyuk shrugged as he walked away leaving Jeonghan alone...

Yeah... Alone.

The bell marking the end of recess rang and Jeonghan had no other choice but to walk back to his class, where he wouldn't find his Jisoo. Was he skipping school? Was he sick by any chance? It couldn't be since has always had 100% attendance since the time they first met and jisoo by no means would break his record. It must've been something serious.

"Did he die or something?" Jeonghan immediately started laughing at his stupid thought. It wouldn't get that serious anyway.

"Stop giggling to yourself faggot." A guy said, shoving the ice cream cone he was holding onto his face.

"Dude, why did you waste the ice cream you just bought from outside over him?" The friend accompanying him snickered.

"I don't know?" He shrugged, walking away. "I didn't like the flavour. Strawberry... kinda makes me feel gay."

Jeonghan hated this. He hated everything. From people calling him a homo, to people beating him for no real reason... He didn't enjoy any of it. And he couldn't even blame that rowdy bastard... After all, he indeed was a bit gay.

"Jisoo..." Jeonghan cried, sinking to the ground. "Jisoo, where are you? Comfort me. I don't like being alone. You're a liar. A big ass liar! You said you'd b-be there... And p-protect me..."

"Hey kid. Go back to class instead of kneeling in the middle of the corridor like that." The janitor shouted.

Fuck you.

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