17. movie

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Jisoo comes out after a long shower. Jeonghan wasn't in his room so he decided to flop down on his bed and dry out his hair while waiting. After he was done he lied down on the bed and buried his face under Jeonghan's pillow.

"What's taking him so long?" He mumbled.

He took a deep breath. Jeonghan's pillow smelled so much like him. It smelled sweet... just like him.

Jisoo closed his eyes and continued to sniff.

"I'm here~ did ya miss me." Jeonghan paused. "—What are you doing?"

"No-nothing? I just felt really sleepy ahaha." Jisoo jolted up.

"Hey you, save your sleep for another day."

Jisoo gave him a questioning look.

"We're gonna bang all night!"

Jisoo choked. "J-Jeonghan? do you even know what that means?"

"Yeah, it means we'd have fun all night." Jeonghan shrugged. "Probably..."

Jisoo coughed. "I think I was right when I said I was the more mature one."

"What does it mean then?"

"Nope. You're too pure. Too innocent. You don't need to know." Jisoo tried changing the topic. "So? What's the plan for the fun?"

"We're gonna watch a movie!"

"Jesus Christ. It better not be twilight—"

"No no it's not. It's a horror movie. My aunt gave me this CD but I was actually too scared to watch it myself so I waited for the perfect time. It's quite old. I had to dig this out from the store room." Jeonghan said showing Jisoo the cover. Killer clowns? That trend died years ago.

Jisoo wasn't good with scary stuff. He remembered being pranked by his friends back in America countless times because he used to jump at the mention of anything scary. It wasn't anything major though. Jisoo had never survived through an entire horror movie. It sounded interesting since at least he could get some experience.

Jeonghan pulled out a laptop and put the DVD in and placed it on the bed.

"Who's laptop is that by the way?" Jisoo asked.

"Mine." Jeonghan smirked.

"Oh so you must be watching porn all night in private whenever your mom's away." Jisoo eyed him. "Or maybe watch those gay movies."

"Jisoo— I told you not to start with this stuff again. I don't want to tell everyone that my best friend is a homophobe."

Jisoo frowned.

"What if I told you I was gay? Would you leave me?"

"I'd never be able to do that even if I'd want to." Jisoo replied. "I'd just accept you for who you are." Jisoo smiled.

"But you don't accept Jun." Jeonghan said.

"That guy just gives me bad vibes. I told you I am not a homophobe."

"Yeah yeah whatever~" Jeonghan said as he played the movie.

They leaned their backs against the wall and covered themselves with a blanket to get the effect since the lights were on. Jeonghan said he was too scared to turn them off. The movie was quite boring for the most of it. Jisoo wasn't actually paying attention. He had a much important person to pay attention to. Jisoo snuggled close to Jeonghan and wrapped his arm around Jeonghan's waist. He couldn't imagine Jeonghan being taken away by Jun, or anyone actually. He is totally not a homophobe.

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