49. we can- FUCK

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"The teacher literally wrote 17 on the board!" Jeonghan whispered to Jisoo, giggling. Seventeen was the name of his favorite boy group. How can he not react?

"Psst." Jisoo replied. "Wanna know something funnier than 17?"

"What?" Jeonghan eagerly asked.

"18." Jisoo and Jeonghan both started giggling. It had been quite a while since they joked around during class or anywhere like that. A guy turned to see what the fuss was all about and gave them a judging look.

"What's so funny?" He whispered.

"Nothing." Jisoo and Jeonghan both shook their heads in sync.

"Was that a fucking SpongeBob reference?" Jeonghan whispered to Jisoo as soon as the guy turned away. Jisoo nodded and they started giggling again.

"I kinda wish to eat pizza~" Jisoo hummed, singing his pizza song.

"Too bad they don't serve pizza in the school cafeteria~" Jeonghan hummed back.

"Why don't they?" Jisoo asked, snapping out of his musical atmosphere.

"I don't know, I heard that the school's headmaster hates pizza. Rumour says his grandma choked on a pizza and died."

"Who the hell chokes on pizza and dies?" Jisoo said, giving a concerned expression. His face lit up at the smell of food as he entered the cafeteria. He saw a kid passing with a slice of pizza on his tray. "Bitch guess who's lucky day it is today-" Jisoo said as he ran to get a slice for himself.

"So childish." Jeonghan scoffed.

"Bro just look at the cheese-" Jisoo said, huffing as he grabbed his seat on a table with Jeonghan, Soonyoung and Jihoon.

"Jisoo is a pizza guy confirmed." Soonyoung giggled.

"I mean- just look at the cheese. Since when did the school had enough budget to make and serve such cheesy pizza?" Jisoo said, eating out of his slice.

"Aww look you've got cheese on your face." Jeonghan said, standing up to wipe it off. Jisoo's heart skipped when he did the subtle deed.

Jisoo started eating again, this time purposely getting cheese over his face.

"Oh damn, how clumsy can you even get?" Jeonghan laughed as he stood up to actually lick the sticky cheese off his face. He didn't care if people were watching. Besides, only a few had the luxury to watch Jeonghan seductively licking off the cheese out of Jisoo's face. They gave him the looks but got back to their business soon after.

"Look Jeonghan, this is the reason why people call you gay." Jihoon eyed him.

"'Supp mister #smolwiener." The guy from yesterday greeted Jeonghan as he walked by, Jeonghan gave no shits.

"How dare he-" Jisoo tried grabbing him, his eyes filled with rage but Jeonghan pulled him back.

Fucking 'Hashtag small weiner'????

"Jisoo... I was wondering if you could come over tonight. We can watch the infinity war movie together-" Jeonghan asked Jisoo, trying to change the topic.

"Too bad, I already watched it." Jisoo said, trying to free himself from Jeonghan's grip.

"Aww come on. You can watch it again." Jeonghan pleaded. "Please? For me??" He blinked his eyes. "If not we can even- FUCK!" Jeonghan groaned looking back to see Jihoon had poked on the butt with a sharp fork. "What was that for?"

"Sit down, if you need to talk." Jihoon mumbled.

"Okay I'll come." Jisoo said, he didn't really wish to since had lots of homework but something about Jeonghan's previous interrupted statement made him agree.

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