6. Sleepover?

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"Great! Now I've got my pants all soaked and sticky." Jeonghan said, heading towards the washroom. Jisoo followed him. "I can't even go home since my mom is out late and forgot to give me the keys."

"What were you planning to do after school then?" Jisoo asked.

"Fool around in the neighbourhood of course. Maybe hang out with Jun."

"Jun?" Jisoo asked. He had never heard of that name before.

"Oh he's my neighbor. Junhui, he came from China. He and this other lad named Minghao."

Jisoo narrowed his eyes. "Way to go Jeonghan. Here you told me you didn't have many friends. I was almost feeling sorry for you."

"What's your size?" Jisoo's voice echoed. "You can come over at my place. I'll get you a change of clothes. Also since you have nowhere to go until your mom returns we can even play around for quite sometime. Ohhhh how about a sleepover?"

"Well uhhh... we've been friends for 3 months. I trust you. Would your mom mind? Would my mom mind?" Jeonghan said, sounding unsure. He had never had a sleepover at someone else's house. Though Jun usually always sleeps over at his house on the weekends when his mom's not home for the night because of work.

"What's up with these trust issues? Mine wouldn't. You can ask yours on the phone!" Jisoo reassured.

He grabbed Jeonghan's hand and gestured him to quietly follow him. "Where do you live though?" Jeonghan asked.

"11 blocks away from your house."

"What? So close? How come I never knew?" Jeonghan was surprised. He knew Jisoo lived closeby since the two met at the same bus stop every morning.

"Because you're ignorant and also a big asshole." Jisoo snickered.

"Wow!" Jeonghan said to himself, amused. "I really never knew~"

"Keep that tongue inside your mouth and shut up for god's sake."

It had already gotten quite dark. The two took the bus and decided to walk the rest of their way. "Why did you never tell me?" Jeonghan asked.

"Because I didn't trust you." Jisoo said.

"Whatever." What was up with these trust issues.

"Mom! I'm home." Jisoo shouted as he got in. Jeonghan started taking off his shoes but was stopped by Jisoo. "You don't need to."

"Why are you late today, Joshua? I was getting worried." Jisoo's mother said coming out of the other room. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Jeonghan. "Oh look who we have here."

"He's a friend, Jeonghan. He wants to stay over for the night. His mom won't be home until late so he wants to call her. Can he use our phone?" Jeonghan was totally lost since he didn't understand any kind of English. Jisoo's mom sure was really pretty. Both Jisoo and his mom were switching between English and Korean so it got a bit confusing for Jeonghan. Finally, Jisoo pulled him and asked, "You do remember your mom's number, right?" handing him a cellphone.

"Of course I do." Jeonghan snatched it, he felt bad since Jisoo was treating him like a little kid.

The conversation did go well. His mother preferred him to stay over at Junhui's place but since Jisoo didn't live far away, she agreed.

"See? Your mom does care about you. She agreed." Jisoo said tapping Jeonghan's shoulder. Jisoo then gestured Jeonghan to follow him upstairs. "What would you like to eat?" Jisoo asked as they got into his room. It was quite normal for a school-going boy. It seemed really empty. Probably because he had just lately moved in. It was really clean and simple. It suited his image.

"Hm? Anything." Jeonghan said admiring the simplicity of the room.

"How about burgers? My mother's really good at making homemade burgers."

"Are you really okay with me staying over though?"

"You don't want to?" Jisoo jokingly asks, opening his wardrobe and taking out anything that would fit Jeonghan. Not that it matters. Both seemed to be roughly the same size after all. He finally took out something decent and threw it to Jeonghan. "You can go change in the bathroom, I'll change out of my uniform here." Jisoo said, pointing at the attached bathroom.

Jeonghan nodded and did so as Jisoo said. After he was almost done, he realised this silly thing. "Jisoo-ah! I don't have any underw—" He stopped right there. It really would be inappropriate to ask someone for underwear. Jisoo heard it.

"You can survive without it for a night!" Jisoo shouted back from outside, causing Jeonghan to blush.

Sounds fair. Jeonghan thought and proceeded to change into Jisoo's clothes. Jeonghan could tell that he picked his most unfavourite pajamas which he must've never even worn except for once or twice, since it was green... and Jisoo hated the colour green.

He proceeded to unlock the door but he waited until Jisoo finally called out to him.

"What took you so long?" Jisoo asked as Jeonghan got out. Jisoo was jamming to some music on a phone, which he assumed belonged to Jisoo.

"Jisoo, you own a phone?" Jeonghan asked. Surprised. It wasn't normal for middle schoolers to have smart phones of their own. Jeonghan's mom promised to get him one when he got into high school, but that's still a long way. He felt jealous.

"Sure I do." Jisoo said, waving it in front of Jeonghan. "Wanna see what all features it has?" Jisoo proceeded to show off what all his smartphone had. Jeonghan couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Well, it's cool. That reminds me. Give me your number. I can call you at home whenever I miss you." Jeonghan said, tearing off a piece of paper from his notebook and grabbing a pen.

"Ohh so you'd miss me~" Jisoo joked. "Sure. Here you go."

As Jeonghan was busy noting down Jisoo's number, he felt a smack on his butt. "W-what in the world was that for?" Jeonghan practically screamed.

"Nothing." Jisoo said, groping it.

"Hey! It's my job to grope butts. You cheater!" Jeonghan pouted. "Be original." Jeonghan slapped his hand away, looking really offended.

"Look. We all know you're the perv here." Jisoo smiled. "Don't you dare use the word for me. 'Cause I'm really pure~"

Jisoo immediately got up to run and Jeonghan followed him, ready to take his life.

"Mom! Jeonghan said that you're really pretty." Jisoo said running up to her.

"When did I— Ah yes! You really are very beautiful. The perfect lady Jisoo's dad could ever wish for." Jeonghan said. He felt a bit guilty since Jisoo's facial expression changed at the mention of his dad. His dad didn't came to Korea with them. They haven't met since Jisoo came here. He probably misses him.

They ate dinner but Jisoo was not in his full spirit. Jeonghan felt guilty about that. They later went up to their room. Jisoo was setting up his bed for Jeonghan. He was debating with himself whether he should sleep on the same bed or set up a mattress on the floor.

"Jisoo, do you miss your dad?" Jeonghan asked.

"What was that for? Sure I do."

"Nah I mean, I don't know what's it like to have a dad."

"What are you talking about?" Jisoo asked, glancing over at Jeonghan.

"I don't have a dad..."

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