39. kiss 2.0

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"Why did you kiss me?" Jeonghan asked looking straight into Jisoo's eyes.

"I- uhh" Jisoo just wanted to kill himself for stuttering. "I j-just wanted to p-prove a k-kiss really is noth-nothing."

"Huh? Is that really a reason..." Jeonghan said, a bit disappointed. "And here I thought you-"

"You thought what?"

"Nothing." Jeonghan shook his head.

"Tell me."

"I'm pretty sure that was your first kiss. Why did you try?" Jeonghan asked, crossing his arms, changing the topic.

"I don't know. You were acting weird."

"You're the one who was being weird. How can you just kiss a guy like that when you're straight, especially when it's your best friend?"

"I j-just don't know."

"Straight guys don't kiss their best friends." Jeonghan said leaning closer to Jisoo.

"Jeonghan look I-" Jisoo was cut off when Jeonghan wrapped his arms around his waist. Jisoo felt the rate of his heartbeat increase.

"This is for revenge... how dare you take advantage of my sweet lips?" Jeonghan leaned, closing his eyes. Their faces were only centimetres apart. Jisoo could feel Jeonghan's hot breath. He could feel his own heart doing cartwheels inside his chest.

Time seemed to have stopped when their lips collided. Jeonghan didn't himself know why he did that, he originally planned this as a joke. He thought he'd pull away and say 'just kidding' and make fun of him over this for the rest of his life... But somehow, at the moment, it just seemed right. He didn't know why they were doing it, how they were doing it, but it just seemed right.

Just as Jeonghan tried to shove out his tongue, Jisoo pushed him away. "You suck at kissing." He said, turning away.

Jeonghan stared at the floor for quite sometime before apologising for what he had done. "I'm sorry." He stood up and left.

Jisoo grabbed the sheet of paper tight in his hands, the one he wanted to show Jeonghan so bad that day. It was a poem he wrote as a kid for which he won the first prize. It was in English, Jeonghan wouldn't have understood it anyway. But he just hoped to see how Jeonghan reacted to it. Maybe.... just maybe he would be proud of his best friend...

Oh wait... best friend? Is that supposed be some grocery list?


Oh boi idk where this is going haha
What do you guys think of the story so far?

Also, stay tuned for some kinky stuff. Just lemme tell u this ff is gonna be long af

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